Shocking Kansas City video

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So much for gangbangers having saturday night specials. Glock perfection. See everybody knows Glock is what you stake your life on.
See everybody knows Glock is what you stake your life on.

Not quite. They buy Glocks because rappers tell them to. They tend to be the most mindless zombies you'd ever want to meet. You want them to obey? Put it in a song.

Snoop Dogg mentioned gin and juice in a song, the next day you couldn't find any gin or any juice within fifty miles of a city. Same goes for that nasty Alize crap. Same thing goes for the Glock. Before the Glock it was the "nine". Didn't matter what the gun was, as long as it was a "nine".

Nine what? Nobody knew or cared. Their royalty spoke and the good subjects obeyed. Entertainment runs their lives. Trust me, it isn't coincidence that you can take a thug from either coast and find them wearing the same ridiculous clothes and speaking the same nonsensical idiocy.
I'd like to see those punks stay one night in Detroit.

I was born in Detroit. Had my house shot at. Almost ran over by gang members. Seen piles of needles in the alleys. Robbers bust into my friends house, IN THE DAY TIME. Had some thugs bust into another friends house in the early morning and beat his dad with a baseball bat. Drug dealers on the corner streets. Every once in a while you'll see a SWAT team. One friend brought a BB gun to school and sneaked it pass the metal detectors and security. Gun shots heard on July 4th. Gun shots heard on New Years. Gun shots heard on my birth day. Gun shots heard on Christmas. Gun shots heard on Easter. Gun shots heard on martin luther king day. Gun shots heard on st. patricks day. Gun shots heard on daylight savings day. Halloween, labor day, april fools, valentines day, the first day of summer, and so on............

Tell you this, one time I was going to fight this kid after school. Let me remind you guys this is 6th grade. A friend of mine says you need help? I say yeah. This guy goes to a "friend" of his who is sitting in a car and tells him I need help. The guy in the car opens the trunk, gets out, and whips out a freaking shotgun in front of hundreds of people! I thought "WHOA!!! I don't need that type of trouble in my life". I tell him forget about the whole thing, then I got in my car pool and left. (You see? I was responsible as a child :D )

Glad my dad moved us out of there!
Your local gunstore....

Sorry to hijack this thread for a sec, but I have to ask while I have all these KC people concentrated in one area.

I too am from KC. If you are shooter/gun collector from the kansas side, you no doubt have been to a certain (the only) gun store in the shawnee mission area.

Frequenters of this unnamed store, am I the only person who has had bad experiences here?
Youtube keeps telling me your link is wrong. You might want to check it again.
I live about an hour from k.c. Go there quite a bit to the plaza, Occasionally do some work there, and go some other places, also go to harrahs a bit. I hate having to go through those parts of town though, you never know what could happen when people are this stupid, your chances are a little better with a .40 or .45 on your side with 13 rounds.. Too bad people are really so stupid, lets just hope none of these guys reproduce!!
I just came back from Cabela's in KCK not an hour ago. Saw one group of wannabe gangsta white kids and one group of the real thing. I was there with a friend, his wife and my Sigma .40 and 31 rounds of 180 grain Gold Dot goodness.

The sad part: Topeka is 45 miles away and a tenth the size of KC. Given the choice between walking at night in Topeka or KC I'll take KC.
Frequenters of this unnamed store, am I the only person who has had bad experiences here?

What were your bad experiences?
Check your private messages.
Topeka is horrible.

One poster mentioned a certain gun store in a certain area. No bad experiences but I don't buy there-just use the range.
To the poster who mentioned the unnamed store in the unnamed area, if its the correct store im thinking of, I will no longer frequent that store. For some reason i always got bad vibes from it.
I'm not sure I believe too much of the media hype surrounding "ex-military" gang members and hired help. Most of your gang bangers are still just idiots with guns.

Of course there are ex-soldiers who end up in gangs. But they're generally not Special Forces guys or even combat infantry a lot of the time. I saw the History channel special and the only real example of an ex-military guy using anything resembling military tactics was some guy who basically suicided by cop.

That still, gang members are still, obviously, dangerous.
The store with the range? I never bought a firearm from them (just ammo et al) and still got along with the guy that I usually dealt with. We'd talk each other up just a little from time to time and he showed at least some personal interest when he heard I was moving. I didn't drop a lot of money there, but I was steady business. Pretty good experience considering after a while I was coming in with my own guns, ammo, targets, ear and eye protection.

I called them once to ask if they could beat a price on a rifle that I knew they had, and the young guy told me quickly and honestly that they couldn't.

Not bad. Their prices were just never that great. I would have supported them with at least one firearm purchase had I stuck around KC a little longer.
Way back when i was working security for the KC Jazz commissioner(the first and only good one), we went into areas like this to visit and interview the jazz greats that still live there.
These are and were some of the coolest people i have ever met but the areas they live in are some of the worst.
Mind you there in there 80's and 90's now and are stuck in hell, nobody messed with them because of who they are, the bangers grand parents and great grand parents keep at least some control of the little bastards.
Driving down to Arthur Bryants is fun, kind of like hunting water bufflao while walking through africa. Keeps you on your toes.
Un-named gunstore is one of the best we got, good air system now and no black lung danger anymore. Mr. Stovall(sp) is a good guy, i don't know the rest of the people there but i have never had a problem in that store, even when i shoot to fast on the range(sorry about that guys).
I live in OP, the PD here edits the crime stats so that it look like a safe place to live, kind of like a accidental drowning is a shark attack with no parts recovered. bangers, drug dealers, child molesters, murders. No place is safe anywhere, it's just a matter of time before it happenes in your area. be prepaired.
Given the choice between walking at night in Topeka or KC I'll take KC.

That is the sad truth of Topeka. I'm just glad Auburn is closer.

I had the guy at Walmart tell me he could always tell when the police where going to have a bad night, and I dont doubt him.
Snoop Dogg mentioned gin and juice in a song, the next day you couldn't find any gin or any juice within fifty miles of a city. Same goes for that nasty Alize crap. Same thing goes for the Glock. Before the Glock it was the "nine". Didn't matter what the gun was, as long as it was a "nine".
My GOD how can I capitalize on that ... unfortunately I don't have any product to sell, nor do I know Snoop Dogg (or any other rapper for that matter).
Not wanting to hijack the thread, but yeah, Arthur Bryant's is great. I never really thought that area was too bad, actually. There are some other areas I just don't go to, though. I live on the SOuth side and it looks great and is a great place to live but there are randum acts of violence just like anywhere else and the occasional property crime. Just can't be complacent. I know for a fact my night owl ways have deterred at leats one nare-do-well.

As for the gun store, I've never had a problem there. Prices seem OK but I'm such a bargain shopper I don't go out to buy anything in particular at any particular place, I hunt for it first and figure out where to get it. I like shooting there but I just prefer outdoor ranges. I feel safer and less closed in. The range operated by the MO Dept of Conservation up north in Parkville is one of the best around AFAIC. There are some strict rules but its better to be safe than sorry, and the crowd is polite and no BS allowed. Its also very inexpensive, its like bowling. Some ranges I feel like geez I could have had an awesome dinner. I will prbably be there this weekend myself-I'll take and post some pics on a different thread.

I also shoot too fast at ranges sometimes. It makes me feel horrible, like someone is thinking I'm one of the jerks with bad range etiquette, so I slow down when I catch myself!
I recommend postnatel abortions all around!

These idiots mostly kill each other, so thats a good thing. Prison workers also need jobs so there future is secure.....
I think it would be a very interesting experiment to take one of these guys and drop him in a neighborhood where he is reliant upon himself alone; not in enemy turf, per se, but another town in another state.

My guess is this: when he's separated from the pack his bark and bite become much less pronounced. Group dynamics are contextual, meaning that if the context (such as location, number of members, characteristics that are important, etc) of the group changes so, to, do the actions of the group members.

Separating someone from the group changes both the identity and responsibility level of both the group and the person separated.

I'd be willing to wager that alone, in an unfamiliar setting, these characters are much less "tough."

Okay, sorry for the academics!

Take care,
.....and abortion clinics.

Interesting, without getting into a moral argument, along with the drug dealer/minimum wage comparisons, "Freakanomics" pointed that one out too...
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