should there be a shooting video forum?

should there be a shooting video forum?

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i would love to see member's personal video. It would be nice to see people shooting reposibly and correctly(stance,grip,etc.) instead of whatever there is on youtube.

I hope the mod's seriously consider a photo's and vids section.
Pay for the bandwidth and it might be possible, but the shoestring won't stretch any further than it has.

I'd rather have reasonable vids on Youtube to dilute the dolts.
what about a section posting links? probably couldn't do pictures in that case because of bandwith, but a special section for people to post specific videos and comment on them wouldn't take much more bandwidth.

when we have big threads of vids they always turn into "Who can post video of the dumbest person shooting!" This way we could ban everyone(or just lock the thread) who posts a video of middle-eastern men shooting a .577 t-rex, or a heavy-set man shooting an encore.

keep it to high-roaders posting themselves out shooting, instructional videos, or just their youtube favorites.
now are we talkin gun on gun videos, or guy on gun, maybe girl on gun, two guns one cup, one gun one watermelon? I just want ot be clear on what we are talking about here. Ill bring my digicam next time. Im not sure it will zoom 100 yards. Ill try tonight on the lady down the streets window and get back with you.
Maybe if we had a place to share vids with knowledgeable gun owners, they could critique and help new members become betters shooters through the magic of the world wide web.
The really tough job here is when the site gets incredibly huge the administrators would have to be on high alert for:

1. posters copying someone else's video to try making it their own (for gaining attention, which happens all the time at you tube), and

2. videos showing reckless or otherwise dangerous acts involving firearms.

As the site grew exponentially, the job would become incredibly difficult for admins to manage. I couldn't begin to imagine how much server space would be required and the cost.
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