AK103... you clearly do not know what you are talking about in terms of Sig. They have screwed up big time and the current management group is going to drive them into the ground just like they did with Kimber.
All I know is, I'm currently on SIG #17, more of which are now the newer guns, and I have yet to have any problems with any of them. This includes an early Mosquito and an early P220 Carry, both of which have been flawless, and both of which are not supposed to work according to the whiners and internet experts.
I couldnt care less what their management does, as long as the guns I buy keep working like the others I have, I'll continue to buy them.
I do know for a fact from your many posts, that you seem to have some sort of hair up your butt and a personal vendetta towards SIG, and will whine to any and all present at any opportunity. If there are any doubters, a quick search will show that. I dont know what your issues are, but you lost any credibility with me a long while back.
As for the P250 I had one. It was a decent gun but way too expensive for something that does not out perform the Glock 19/Glock 26. It has a reallllllllllllllllllllly long trigger pull and reset. It is very smooth but the reset sucks IMHO. If they do not get a huge Govt contract they will go the way of the Sig Pros......
From your complaints, I see your one of the specialty shooters that requires a specific trigger to be able to shoot. Me, I never knew "reset" was a problem until I heard all the whining about it on the internet. Seems these days, if you dont have a bunch of the latest and greatest crutches on your toys, they just wont shoot right, and since you cant do it, nobody else can either.
Sorry, I dont buy it. I shoot your basic, plain Jane, box stock DA SIG's, most all with night sights, and have never had any problems shooting them as they come. The new guns shoot just as well as the older ones. I'm not one of the old vs new snobs, I'm happy to have any of them and I shoot them all without prejudice.
If things are as bad as you complain, I'd suggest selling all your remaining SIG's ASAP and get into something that you can live with, both physically and mentally.
As far as SIG forum goes, I dont stop by there to much anymore, mostly because of stuff like this. All they need over there is some cheese.