Sig X-Five (Pictures and Range Report) Sneak Peak

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Dec 25, 2002
No Place Like Home
Hope you guys enjoy this.

During Thanksgiving weekend we had a little get together at the local range. This has been a tradition that started last year with my THR brothers.

Myself, Sactown, Gumshoe4, Esheato, 9mmephipany, WOT, The _Antibubba and Bruce Gray all headed down to the range to shake down the Sig X-Five for an article that was to be written for the coming issue of Velocity. This pistol was chambered in 40SW.


The X-Five's fit and finish are what you would expect from a Sig Stainless pistol. The pistols slide to frame fit was tight and very solid. All controls felt very ergonomic. The ambidexterous safety was very easy to manipulate, the extended magazine release did not get into the way of my hands and the grips with the Sig " Nills" offered just enough bite for my hands.


The sights are adjustable and offers a very good sight picture. After getting a few pictures of the gun, Bruce took the gun down to the range and offered to let each of us shoot it. Here is a picture of the rear sight.


We got this gun to the range and as expected it was pretty much a tack driver. The trigger is adjustable but was left alone. Even in its stock form, I was able to drill the X and 10 rings on a regular basis at 10 yards. This was with factory Magtech ammo and standard 25 yard NRA pistol targets. The rest of the guys had the same experience. Not one person put one outside the black. Clearly this pistol was way more accurate then we are. It also very important to note that along with the laserbeam accuracy, the X-Five is a very soft shooting pistol. I have to say this again, but this pistol was alot of fun to shoot. The pistol did not have any FTF, FTEs and ran flawless in the hands of 7 guys! Thanks Sig for making such an awesome pistol and for Bruce Gray who was kind enough to allowing us the oppurtunity to shoot it! My hats off to you guys.

Here is the target what was shot at by 7 guys.

Gumshoe4 with a huge smile on his face that the camera was unable to capture.

Bruce Gray showing us how its really done.


Size of X-Five compared to Sig 226 9mm



'Wallpaper'? Your monitor sitting sideways? ;)

THat's awesome man. Looks to be an all-out competition gun with the extended this and adjustable thats. Be nice to see something in between their combat and competition guns.

Are the sight systems compatible?
PLEASE tell me the mad release is reversible. That thing sticks out so far, I'd probably release the mag whenever I had a firm grip on the gun since I'm a lefty.
Wow, great report. Very nice pics and that's one sweet Sig. Where do I sign up?

Hard to find a bigger Sig fan than me, and, yes, I can't wait to buy one, but I saw a couple of things that concern me:

1. Front-strap mag cut-out, a'la Trailside, what's with that? You can't slam a Trailside mag into the pistol without severely pinching your pinky finger and causing a blood blister unless you alter / loosen your pinky and 4th digit grip. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. I'm curious, how many pinky blood blisters did this new "Improved" design cause for your group at the range?

2. Ditto the mag release comment.

3. Did the thumb safety get in the way of the slide release, or do you have to alter your grip or use your support hand to release the slide, either via the lever or racking the slide?

(btw, I'll take mine in both .40 and 9mm, stainless, please and thank you. And when, oh when, will it be chambered in .45?)
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Looks good. If it weren't for the price tag it'd be on my wishlist. For $2000 I can get the next 3 CZs on my list and have change left over for mags and upgrades.
Pointman1776, It's not a cutout, it's that the magwell extension only wraps around the rear. Also note the super-extended mag basepad. If you can pinch yourself loading this thing, it'll be 'cuz you tried ;)

Looks like a great gun for Limited-10, maybe even Limited if someone puts their mind to getting a realistic number of rounds in those mags.
SA trigger, thumb safety...hmmm...sounds a lot like a 1911, huh?

All kidding aside, I think I'd rather have one of these than a S&W 952
it really was quite a pleasure to handle the X-five. i'd carry a personally owned 226 (9mm) for 15+ years in a duty rig (until the rail cracked) and now carry a departmental 226R (.40) and i gotta say the X-five is a completely different animal.

the gas pedals (ambi thrumb safeties)are massive (compared to ones on a 1911) are perfectly placed and very comfortable (almost rivalling the ed browns) if you are used to riding them. i didn't have any problem with my thumb rubbing the slide during recoil.

the trigger is perfectly placed for me allowing good pad index while keeping the rest of the finger from bearing on the frame. after years of shooting sigs, both tuned and stock, the trigger break stunned me with its similarity to a tuned 1911.

the extended tang is beautifully done and very comfortable. (i'd be alot more inclined toward the langdon 220 if they had include a copy of his beavertail)

the sight set gave a very clear sight picture, even for my old eyes, with the undercut front sight and the semi-buried adjustable rear. it was nice to see a new gun without the three dots

my first impression, upon picking up the X-five, was that the gripframe felt longer and more vertical. this is a combination of the extended magwell funnel and the stocks. the stocks, besides being made from beautiful wood, fit my hands perfectly, allowing good index and ample lenght for both hands to contribute equally to the shooting grip. my only "druthers" would be that the checkering on the front strap go from panel to panel

the pistol shot beautifully with recoil feeling similar to a 9mm (light bullet, non-plus p) round. i had to check to make sure i was really shooting a .40. i used to think the beretta 92/96 ran smoothly, but the X-five was really somthing.

the group, on the group target, at 12 o'clock in the X/10 rings are mine. i reverted to my target shooting days and used a 6 o'clock hold...sorry guys
Everything about it was spectacular. Shot great. Trigger was good. Grip angle was good. Nothing to complain about, cept the price. Too much coin for me.
Sactown, too much coin for you? Dawg, you got so much bling I gots to wear shadez around you!
A steel frame, single action Sig?

Oh god, no, I want one!!! Sigs used to be 'safe' guns, guns I appreciated for their quality but would never buy or carry. No D/A, no alloy frames, is what the tattoo says.

Now there's a whole section of the gun case that's dangerous again!!!

Damn, that's nice.

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