Put a fork in us because we are just about cooked!
Having seen first hand California's creeping socialism and multiple state and city gun bans come to life it sickens me to think these are now some of the same people who are now trying to run the show.
WAKE UP everyone!
Get to know to the facts they will never stop and would ban all firearms even a hunting rifle with a scope or a .22 semi auto.
We must all stand together or surely we will all hang seperately.
Their goals are easy to see, encroachment of our rights and eventual criminalization of your right to own any firearm they see or label as a threat.
Many who stayed in Californistan became felons for owning something they bought and registered legally when they initially purchased it.
Vote, donate time and money, teach those who will listen and get involved in any way you can even if just signing up a buddy for GOA or NRA.
It CAN happen here it has happend in other countries look at how much we have already lost over time.
The freedoms we enjoy have been being paid for by blood sweat and tears of all who have served and all those who still serve in our military and in law enforcement.
Get involved and make a difference, vote with your dollars vote with your friends and if all else fails vote with your feet and leave the liberal cess pools to implode on their own.