Sniper shot - Look ma, no gun!

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Disintegrating round, if I remember from that on TV about 10 years ago (or whenever the mullet was in style - in this case, 10 years past when it was in style).
Columbus Ohio police department. I'm not so sure that it was a "distintigrating" round. That type of ammo sometimes isn't all that accurate, and snipers demand accuracy. Range was about 35 yards, if I can remember correctly (I live in Ohio, and saw it on the news.) I'd love to meet that cop. He's probably retired now.
I'll never understand why we allow suicidal gunmen to take the stage. You want to whack yourself? "Go ahead" would be my advice if I were the negotiator. Guess that's why I'm not a police negotiator.
That was not a disintegrating round. That was a standard bullet that broke apart when it struck the weapon.
I'll never understand why we allow suicidal gunmen to take the stage. You want to whack yourself? "Go ahead" would be my advice if I were the negotiator. Guess that's why I'm not a police negotiator.

I don't get it either. If the guy had pointed the gun at the officers instead of at his own head they would have unloaded a massive barrage of fire, most likely killing him. Yet they want to prevent him from killing himself?

It makes as much sense as keeping death row inmates from harming themselves, but they do that too just so they can be killed by the state later.

Sometimes things just don't make sense, but gun laws should have already taught you that.
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It looks like the revolver they blew apart was the exact one I have. RG-40 .38, six shot. The guy is lucky he bought that and not a nice steel framed smith or colt, otherwise it might have deflected the round at him instead of fracturing and absorbing the impact...
You know how old this video is?

It's so old that I saw it on one of those reality cop shows on TV in the years before you could find every video clip of ever recorded on YouTube.

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