So proud of my 4 yr old daughter today

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Aug 18, 2009
Provo, UT, USA
For Christmas, we gave my 4 year old a pink cricket rifle. She hasn't gotten to shoot it yet, because the LOP is still about 3" too much for her. She's shown interest in my firearms since she could talk, and I've been taking opportunities to teach her about proper safety and things. I've been talking about cutting down the stock on her rifle so that she can shoot it, but I haven't been sure if she was ready, so I did a test today.

I was cleaning my AR today and when I was done I left it sitting on the kitchen table, unloaded with the bolt locked back. I then went into my room and started working on some homework. Less than a minute later she came in and said "Daddy, you left your rifle sitting on the table. That's not where it goes cuz what if my friend came over and wanted to play with it? She could get hurt!"

Later on this evening we were watching a movie and I got it out again and made like I was checking it out, with the muzzle resting on my foot and finger in the trigger guard. She immediately looked at me said "Daddy! You can't point a gun at your foot! You never point a gun at a person! " Then she looked closer and said "Daddy, why are you touching the trigger? Are you going to shoot your foot? Cuz you don't touch the trigger unless you're going to shoot the gun. Don't be dumb daddy."

I think that with the weather warming up, it's time to cut down that stock and get the little lady out to blow up some cans of store brand soda. I'm just so damned proud that not only did she know her stuff but that she had no problem telling me that I was wrong.
That's just great ! Did the Eddie the Eagle program with my daughter. She has that down. Need to start working on the 4 rules.
Next generation taking over. Brace yourself for being corrected on
every other topic, too :)

Semper Fi, Daddy!
She's on the right track. I just upgraded my daughter's pink DC for a 10/22 with Boyd stock. The DC was a great starter rifle.
She sounds as if she should be teaching some of us occassionally. You did good. Later on when she can understand the difference you can alter the one rule about not pointing the gun at a person. Never point the gun at a good guy and everyone is a good guy until they prove otherwise. It may protect her life one day. I hope that day never comes but with the direction society seems to be heading it may be a distinct possibility. Stay safe.
Actually, she even has a pretty good understanding of even the corollary to the "never point a gun at a person" rule.

In her words "Sometimes there might be a bad guy who's gonna hurt us and then you might have to shoot him, but we don't want to do that because I don't want to hurt anybody even if they are a bad guy."
Sounds like you got a great kid there, and her parents aren't half bad either. You always hear people bash the parent when a kid does something stupid with a gun and rightfully so, so how bout we give a pat on the back to the decent parents. I'll go first, Thank You for being a a decent Father and teaching your kids how to handle firearms the right way ! I started my daughter of with cap guns. We "shoot" nearly everyday "eyes and ears" are always used (she reminds me when I forget to put mine on when we are capping in the back yard) it's cheap and the absolute worst risk is a slight powder burn not to mention it keeps momma happy for now. The cap guns are treated as real and are stored, cleaned and handled like the real ones.
You should take her to the range I used to frequent and just plop her on one of the benches there. So much disregard for safety I had to leave :barf:
Nothing ingrains safety in your mind like being corrected by a 4 year old :D
I'm worried that of the two of you she has the most common, great job in starting her on the right path at such a young age.
Only thing I see wrong with the OP is he waited until Christmas and his daughter was 4, as soon as we found out at the ultra sound I ordered a pink Cricket, never will forget that old mans face when I told him to get me the case too. :D

Its amazing that a 4 year old already knows how to safely handle a firearm and has no problem correcting her teacher when she knows you are doing something wrong! I think she is more than ready to blow up a few soda cans!
Congrats and good work! My 4yr old son is not there yet, he still thinks the coolest part of handling a gun is pulling the trigger. He asks questions and isn't particularly sneaky, but he doesn't totally "get it" yet so no Cricket for him. Sometime this year we're doing some shooting with my old bb gun & I'll let him see what real guns actually can do so his respect for them grows. Ideally he'll correct me like your lil girl does. Again, good job teaching her!
That rocks when the young ones just get it. Now she is ready to get to pull the trigger.
Just a suggestion, my little girl does not like the loud noise that her Crickett makes, even with good "ears" on. However she LOVES to shoot it with Aguila Super Colibris. Quiet enough that you can sometimes hear the bullet tear through the paper target. The more fun we can make shooting, the more interested they will be.

Good on you for teaching her early. Mine just corrected one of the little boys at church who was shooting with a gun he made of Legos. Told him we don't point guns at people, even pretend ones. That's a proud daddy moment for sure.
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