dont' own one yet.... I've had a glock for a while now, I respect what they are, and how well they function. They just feel like crap in my hand. I bought it for one reason, and that was a sub-compact with .357 sig chambering. I hated the way it felt the day I bought it.
Im a 1911 fan, but they are a large gun. I like the way the M&P's feel in my hand, they FEEL like they have a similar angle to the 1911, and seem to aim naturally in MY HAND. I'm strongly considering picking up one for myself for a CC gun.
Im happy to hear people are having great reliability with them. In the hunt for a carry gun for my wife, she continues to come back to the M&P product, and compare everything else to it, and for her, the way it feels to her, so far, she prefers the M&P.
For those of you that have shot both, how does the recoil feel between the 9mm and the .40 cal? I'd like her to have the better punch the .40 offers, but she might be more excited to practice with the 9mm.