I too bought mine as an experiment, new it's reputation so got it with davidson's replacement guarantee.
As long as you know what you are getting when you buy one and have no illusions about the quality, you'll be getting what you paid for. It is functional, sure. Durability? I kind of doubt it based on my one, admittedly 10-year-old sample. Mine works, to the tune of 280 rounds fired from new, with no problems. But accuracy is weak due to the very loose fit between barrel and frame. This may be improved in the newer generations.
Current manual says this in multiple places:
WARNING+P CARTRIDGES SHOULD ONLY BE USED ON A LIMITED BASIS IN THE MODEL CPX. This type of ammunition creates much higher chamber pressures than standard ammunition. Never fire more than 50 rounds of +P ammunition per session.
If you are expecting real quality you won't be getting it - and I beg pardon of anyone who believes it's a quality piece, they're not. Everything about is is low end. Doesn't mean they don't work, or that they can't serve a purpose. For a person with almost no money and a need for a pistol right now, its probably ok. If you have a little more money, buy a Ruger, or a Taurus. Those are a step up imo with less risk.
I keep mine because it has no resale value and because I bought it from a nice shop when I gained firearm freedom when I moved to Florida out of the northeast.