Some people just shouldn't be allowed to have dangerous things.

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Carried a loaded firearm into a prohibited place....
Brandished said firearm................
Pointed (albeit prolly not intentionally) at 1 or more (negligence)....

Pretty sure that officer could find an unlawful violation there that would warrant cuff n stuff...........

But you sound like you know much more about the law than I do, so I guess I'll have to take your words as scripture.....................:thumbup::rofl::thumbup:
I'm sure I do and I'm not a supporter of officers making up crap to support a phony arrest. Just ask the guy to leave or clear his weapon is adequate. Why do you want to see him arrested? You kind of sound like someone who would make a tyrant, bad cop. Please stay off of the police forces,...., this is not Russia, China or pre-WWII Germany.
I believe there should be a short "Are You Stupid Test?" when buying a gun. With a few simple questions like "Is it legal shoot a person through my front door? or "Can I fire a warning shot?" "Is it ok to fire live rounds in the air on 4th of July?
Something of the sort to weed out dummies.
Prolly not the best questions but you get what I mean.
Why is he "lucky he's not in cuffs"? What law did he violate?

I propose a challenge.

Next time you encounter a place where loaded guns are prohibited, find a cop, ask him if it's okay to carry. When he says no, get belligerent, pull the gun, point it at people.

If you can get it unloaded and hand to him before you're on the ground and cuffed, I'll send you a crisp $5 bill.

I require video.
Stupid isn't the only problem. A few years back I was at the Orlando show, just looking around. I look down and in the middle of the aisle is a single round of 9mm ball for no apparent reason. Could've just dropped by accident or some "activist" was planning to load a gun for sale. Security seemed unexcited when I turned it over, went on with my day. Joe
But there is also another "issue" that is related to the original post concern CCW at shows. These days when a serious buyer go to a show, he may be carrying tens of thousands of dollars. That, along with the fact that the bad guys know that you're not supposed to carry at the show, but you may be walking for 10 minutes or more from your car to the venue, makes you a great target.

An attendee wounded himself in the process of reloading and reholstering his pistol after leaving the show here. I always thought it was for routine carry, but you make a good point, he was likely preparing to defend his gun budget.
I believe there should be a short "Are You Stupid Test?" when buying a gun. With a few simple questions like "Is it legal shoot a person through my front door? or "Can I fire a warning shot?" "Is it ok to fire live rounds in the air on 4th of July?
Something of the sort to weed out dummies.
Prolly not the best questions but you get what I mean.

I don't know if this incident actually happened but there used to be a literacy test before you could vote.

In Alabama in the '60s it is reported that black potential voters were handed a newspaper written in a foreign language and asked to read it.

I could really see your "Are You Stupid Test" becoming the same thing.
I would imagine that carrying a loaded weapon into a prohibited place (the placard on the front door) would be a violation of the law…….
It would be a violation of the law where you're at.

It wouldn't even be misdemeanor trespass in Colorado Springs unless somebody asked him to leave and he refused.

If I'm carrying concealed , then it's nobody's business but my own.

I ignore "no firearms/weapons" signs unless enforced with a metal detector or it's a specific government building area where guns are banned by law.

In my state, if possession of a firearm is not banned by law, then the only thing that can be done to me is to be asked to leave. If I refuse to leave, then it becomes criminal trespassing. I've never been asked to leave because nobody ever becomes aware of my little secret.

That's great until you find out the idiot in the OP (the kid who cut the line) has the same philosophy
I'm neither lawman nor attorney, so I couldn't tell you. Not sure if bringing a loaded gun in a place where the sign says not to is a crime. I feel like being wreckless with a gun and endangering others probably is.
It depends on what your State Law says about enforcement of those signs. Some have unenforceable signs. But if asked to leave you better leave or you can be charged with trespassing.
I just read about another valedictorian. This buffoon kept a gun in their oven, forgot about it, then turned it on to cook.

Going to be tough to beat these folks. 😞

Stay safe.
Ammo cook off by actually cooking the gun. Plus it melted. What a recipe! I wonder if beer was involved.
The secret is education. You can never fix stupid people but you can teach non-stupid people some common sense rules on gun handling.

As far as gun shows, on site law enforcements should advise every person attending to check the magazine and chamber on every gun they pickup and never touch the trigger.

Working at a gun store we checked the magazine and chamber before we handed a gun to customers to examine. Even if we just put it back into the display case 30 seconds ago. I loved the customers who double checked the gun again even though they just watched me do it.
The secret is education. You can never fix stupid people but you can teach non-stupid people some common sense rules on gun handling.

As far as gun shows, on site law enforcements should advise every person attending to check the magazine and chamber on every gun they pickup and never touch the trigger.

Working at a gun store we checked the magazine and chamber before we handed a gun to customers to examine. Even if we just put it back into the display case 30 seconds ago. I loved the customers who double checked the gun again even though they just watched me do it.
Absolutely you can only trust yourself to make sure the chamber and magazine are empty.
This buffoon kept a gun in their oven, forgot about it, then turned it on to cook.

I love the caption on the photo in the article: "Police in Virginia are urging residents to properly store their handguns after an explosion."

No problem--actually, I already do that.

Items that should require a "minimum IQ requirement:
Automobiles/ driving
Voting/ politicians
Power tools
Construction equipment
Dremel tools (separate from power tools because they are sneaky destructive buggers)
Sharp knives
Books with recipes for low explosives (Anarchist cookbook)
Tannerite in large quantities
Making babies
Doctoring, especially surgeons
Military ranks above Colonel/rear Admiral

There's 99% of "the list" that I missed but after that previous "hour-and-a-half goat rope," I had to clean my brain screen. Joe
The secret is education. You can never fix stupid people but you can teach non-stupid people some common sense rules on gun handling.

As far as gun shows, on site law enforcements should advise every person attending to check the magazine and chamber on every gun they pickup and never touch the trigger.

Working at a gun store we checked the magazine and chamber before we handed a gun to customers to examine. Even if we just put it back into the display case 30 seconds ago. I loved the customers who double checked the gun again even though they just watched me do it.

I do that every. Single. Time.
No exceptions. I also ask before I dry fire a gun.
You'd definitely love me!
It's not that guns are dangerous it just that some people are dangerous with anything they own. Just stand at a boat ramp & watch some try to put their boat back on the trailer. Those are the type that are dangerous. LOL
It's not that guns are dangerous it just that some people are dangerous with anything they own. Just stand at a boat ramp & watch some try to put their boat back on the trailer. Those are the type that are dangerous. LOL
Any gun that isn't dangerous is... is.... gosh, words fail me.
Steak knives and baby rattles are "dangerous" -- by their very existence.
Firearms less so -- unless/until loaded.
Even then, it's the user . . . .
Thoughtlessness is hardly limited to guns or gun shows. It is seen everyday on the highway, on videos, all around us.

The OP was upset over someone cutting in line, but that doesn't mean that he or the king should be deciding who can have dangerous things. cars, boats, knives, canes, bricks, pesticides, all are dangerous things.

Perhaps a better thread title would be beware of idiots, because they are everywhere and dangerous in many ways.
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