Something that always jumps out at me

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Jun 23, 2006
Middle, TN
Every thread that goes on about rifles and shotguns and home defense, someone comes out and comments about someone grabbing the barrel and taking it away from you. I just have an experiment for anyone who wants to play.

Get a buddy to get your broom and stick it out in front of them. You grab the end of it with both hands, and have them back up and pull when you try to pull it out of their hands. After the initial pull stop and look where you are. Then in your mind imagine that you buddy has a gun rather than a broom and decide if you really want to be there in that case. :evil:
I think "deflect and lunge/tackle" is the tactical challenge if a BG actually gets that close, not necessarily "pull it out of your hands"...

I can get a long gun off of someone and it totally shocks them how easy it is for me. This is a controlled environment condition & not a real gun. The whole point it to teach them something. I know what to do & they don't. They learn really quickly and gets really hard to do to that person. The 2 main points are someone can get it away from you and don't let them get close.
Here is my thing, if someone grabs a shotgun or rifle I BET they will let go the second you start pulling that trigger.
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