specific shot gun for specific task, whats yours?

Did I need to say that I love mossberg shotguns?
There's Mossbergs and there's Mossbergs. The less said about the model I have, the better. At a garage say I picked up a Coast to Coast branded Mossberg pump. Far better design than my bolt action.
Remington "Special Purpose Deer" 870 12 ga. pump; fully rifled barrel with 2.5x Leupold scope. The dedicated slug gun.
I have a Rem 870 12ga with the 23in fully rifled barrel with the cantilever weaver rail. I put a Luepold RDS with 34mm Luepold weaver specific rings on it and it loves basic winchester 1oz slugs (not quite rifle size groups (for a shotgun) ), but man its also fun shooting Federal 3in 1.25oz slugs! I have a bolt on side saddle that holds 6 shells.
Winchester Ranger 120 12ga. 28" bbl. Win Choke because it's cheap reliable and will do the deed for hunting feather and fur.

Remington Express 20 ga youth 20" bbl. Rem. Choke 3 shot mag tube extension with stainless follower, tritium bead, 4 shot side saddle, big head safety, and a sling, it's cheap, reliable and exudes comfort loaded with #4 buck standing duty at my bedside corner.

H@R's 12 20 .410 and a Savage 16, 'cause they are cheap, reliable, light weight and bring back memories of younger years chasing game in the woods and fields.

Stoeger Coach 12 ga. double 20" barrels mod, full choked it's cheap, don't know about reliability, never been shot, always like to play cowboy!
687 EELL Diamond Pigeon Skeet 32" 12, 20, 28 & 410 - skeet, 5-stand and sporting
1301 Tactical - HD
687 Silver Pigeon III 30" 20 & 28 Combo - skeet, 5-stand, sporting & hunting
Caesar Guerini Magnus Sporting 32" 28 - skeet, 5-stand, sporting & hunting
3200 28" 12, 20, 28 & 410 - skeet & 5-stand
Remarms M870 Tactical - comes from the factory with mag tube extended to length of the 18" Fixed Cyl bore barrel. HD

Rem M870 Express youth model 20ga - Nordic mag extention and various parts,saddles, etc. HD

Ithaca SKB 600 Trap - 30" IM/F. Trap. She is choked tight, i have a couple of loads that just grind birds at 16 yd line and work really well when backing up.

Benelli SBE II 12 GA LH - Max5 camo, 28" used it for everything from all clays games, dove -> ducks -> geese. Go to gun. Though it was hard to setaside my 870 for this role.

Winchester 37a 16ga single barrel - small game. This is the gun I started small game hunting with in the '70s with my dad. Still pretty good at reloading it with shells kept between my fingers of support hand. 👍

Beretta 686 for target shooting. Browning A5 for Pheasants. Fausti 20 G over under for Grouse. If my shoulder bothers me, a Franchi 720 20 gauge SA. Slug gun is a 11-87 with a 20 inch rifled barrel and red dot sight. I also have a Mossberg 500 slug gun.
I shared a list earlier. I've been blessed. Thinking back, rather than a specific gun for each purpose, I remembered when I was first married, going to college and church mouse poor. I had a Savage 24 DL 22/20. It did everything I asked of it. Hunt fur and feathers, plink, guard the house trailer and bust pasture clays. After getting a job, but not much more well off, I bought the 870 TB I still have and shoot to this day. First deer, first wood duck, many birds, one groundhog, one coyote, and many, many 25, 50, 75s and one 100 at trap. The heavy use probably is why the receiver cracked, one action bar seperated, the trigger assy went haywire, and the forend split. Now I look in the safe, scratch my head and wonder if life wasn't simpler in 1966.
Had a friend up in Wisconsin who had a bunch of mls made including a double flinter. Another down by Lincoln built a couple. Both were outstanding.
Beretta 1301 comp 21" barrel with mag extension 7+ 1 .... use for everything
Beretta 1301 comp pro 24" barrel with mag extension 10+1 ..... use for everything
Beretta A300 Ultima Patrol, multicam .... new not broken in yet ..... will use for everything

All fitted to me for maximum effect.