The backstory: husband and I have five sons, ages 16, 14, 12, 11, & 10 years old.
The plan: We want to give each of our kids one or two components of a potato gun for Christmas. It'll be fun to watch their confusion as they open their packages ("uh, what am I supposed to do with this package full of pipe sealant, mom?") After Christmas, we are headed over to the beach and so building the gun & launching potatoes will be a family activity we can all share.
The need: What I need are some clear, concise directions for spud-gun success: how to build one, tips & tricks, safety issues, etc.
So, who can help me out here?
The question: Oh, yes, one more thing. We are really bad people and plan to amuse ourselves on Christmas morn by watching the boys' faces when they discover that their stockings are filled with nothing but potatoes.
Is this too mean?
The plan: We want to give each of our kids one or two components of a potato gun for Christmas. It'll be fun to watch their confusion as they open their packages ("uh, what am I supposed to do with this package full of pipe sealant, mom?") After Christmas, we are headed over to the beach and so building the gun & launching potatoes will be a family activity we can all share.
The need: What I need are some clear, concise directions for spud-gun success: how to build one, tips & tricks, safety issues, etc.
So, who can help me out here?
The question: Oh, yes, one more thing. We are really bad people and plan to amuse ourselves on Christmas morn by watching the boys' faces when they discover that their stockings are filled with nothing but potatoes.
