Stag Arms?


Jun 20, 2003
Browsing Stag's website, it appears that the majority of firearms and parts are marked "Out of Stock" and have been for some time. Since Aero Precision owns Stag, I wonder if the Stag brand will eventually disappear and everything will simply be Aero?
5 or 6 years ago (IIRC) Stag was selling some of their AR's with an improved charging handle. Or you could buy one of these separately. Apparently these charging handles were made in China (at least that was the word at the time) and Stag didn't disclose this. Some folks were upset at this, so Stag either refunded their money or (for those who bought a rifle with this component installed) sent a replacement GI-type handle. I think there was more damage to Stag's reputation than to their wallet.
Stag, for as long as I have been interested in ARs, has been around but always in the background. For nostalgia, I would hate to see them go. After their relaunch they seem to have been less a manufacturer and more an assembler. This may have always been the case, but at that time, people cared much more about parts sourcing. Still, my first AR was a frenkengun with a Stag model 2 upper. It had an unlined 1-9 16" barrel and a commercial bcg, but it ran great and was more accurate than it should have been.