Starting a new political party - whos in

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Senior Member
Dec 20, 2002
Los Gatos, CA

This is a total rough draft, help me make some core planks here. #4 and #5 are my main concern in starting a new party, but this is wet cement.

The Awesome Party
Sick of Demon-crats? Tired of Republi-cons?
Come on in, the party is just getting started
Party Mascot: The Kitty
Party Color: Orange


1. We support the Bill of Rights!

2. States should have the right to do what they want.

3. Cheap and reliable internet access is good for people.

4. The government will spend less than it earns.

5. The government will earn less each year it exists.

And like a kitty, we are cute and cuddly. But mess with us, and we'll scratch you up bad, fool!
I'm in!. But #2 should specifically say that the states don't have the right to violate the Bill of Rights either. That way you won't have to deal with the "incorporated" bs.
That sounds like the constitution party, minus the hail marys.

Or the libertarian party, minus changing the status quo (beyond less spending, which is easy to agree with).

However, I suspect that your party will be a bad idea long term because being unable to occaisionally deficeit spend will be harmful. The only problem with deficeits is when they become a normal, routine and steadily increasing thing.
Might want to pick a different color than orange...check out the whole catholic vs protestant situation in Ireland. You don't want to pick a fight without knowing it in advance.
You might want to consider revising #2 - states don't have rights, they have powers. Only individuals have rights.
Great feedback. This was mostly a joke, but I'll revise it with this feedback and consider merging into the parties mentioned above. How about purple as a color? hahahhaha
Isn't number 5 self destructive? Every year you spend less money, to the point where government no longer exists.
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