back in the 1970s 1976 to be exact, when I firsr started to learn to reload my own ammo, about the only dies available were steel dies. Back then every case had to be lubed before reloading.
Now steel dies are what I use as back up, and sometimes just to check after sizing and priming, to make sure every thing is good to go. I have steel dies from C H , RCBS, and BONANZA..
Course I am talking of pistol dies, as every rifle die is steel and cases all need to still be lubed, I reload for 32 H & R mag, 38/357 mag, 38 super, 9 mm, 45 acp, 45 colt. in pistol rounds and 45-70 rifle cartridges.
Back before progressive presses got so popular the dies, had a sizing die, deprimer/expander die, and seating die.,
I can use them in my Lee turret press but nix on the progressive press.
What do ya'll think of those steel dies?
Now steel dies are what I use as back up, and sometimes just to check after sizing and priming, to make sure every thing is good to go. I have steel dies from C H , RCBS, and BONANZA..
Course I am talking of pistol dies, as every rifle die is steel and cases all need to still be lubed, I reload for 32 H & R mag, 38/357 mag, 38 super, 9 mm, 45 acp, 45 colt. in pistol rounds and 45-70 rifle cartridges.
Back before progressive presses got so popular the dies, had a sizing die, deprimer/expander die, and seating die.,
I can use them in my Lee turret press but nix on the progressive press.
What do ya'll think of those steel dies?