Back when I first started carrying a 1911 (1983). You didn’t buy a 1911 to carry or compete with. You bought a kit. In a Colt box.
Then took it to a trusted local gunsmith or, sent it out.
At minimum you would get:
A beavertail
Short trigger
Flat mainspring housing
A fitted bushing
Lower the ejection port.
Throat the barrel
An extended thumb safety and,
Real sights. Fixed. Bomar or even S&W adjustable sights.
Now. You can buy a gun that has 90% of the work already done.
In 1989, I bought a brand new Colt series 70 and, without even firing it, sent it to Wilson’s for master Grade 130 package.
All the above but add:
Hand Checker front strap 30 lpi.
Match barrel and bushing
Tighten slide to frame fit.
Hard chrome the frame.
And a few other niceties.
That was $350 for the gun. $800 for the work.
Now, factory guns are fitted up almost as well. CNC machines spit out a gun with almost all those features. No more paying a guy with files, stones and Dremel tools.
And, honestly, when you get to the top tier manufacturers. Who start with an almost perfect 1911 and parts and THEN do some hand fitting. It’s as close to perfect as you will get.
The current crop of top tier factory guns are probably about the equal of the big custom manufactures of the late 70’s, early 80’s.
My humble, though long winded, opinion.