Summary of Feinstein's Proposed New Gun Control Law

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Sent an email to Senators Blunt (good guy) and McCaskill (Obama's puppet).

I asked McCaskill for a yes or no answer - or not one at all. We'll see...
Ok, I just wrote one hell of a note to Senators Blumenthal and Leiberman.
This is outrageous.

It's one thing to engage in "positional bargaining" where each side starts off with an unreasonable extreme stance, and then meets in the middle. But when you start off this crazy, I feel like you just lose credibility.
She talks a big line about "common sense gun laws." There is nothing about this that meets up with common sense.
Those evil thumbhole stocks.....

wow, the gun grabbers actually did some research to figure out that the thumbhole stock is a work around...but they still fail to understand that a pistol grip in no way makes weapons more dangerous.

Idiots...all of them are idiots
"The ONE TIME she has a chance at getting support for this bill, the one single solitary time in almost 10 years... She dives off the deep end "

That's what I was thinking.
I don't suppose the 120 banned and 900 exempt lists are available to see, are they?

What I'm most surprised about are all the speculations before anything was released that are actually true, like the move to NFA. Seems like a lot of people knew about this for some time which only tells me that a bunch of folks were working on this for a long time, at least before the tragedy in CT.
120 specifically-named firearms

120 specifically names firearms!!!:what:

goodness, depending on the guns, that has the potential to practically shut down the majority of the firearms industry...

has anyone released a list of those firearms? or is it like obama-care and you have to pass it to find out whats inside?
What I'm most surprised about are all the speculations before anything was released that are actually true, like the move to NFA. Seems like a lot of people knew about this for some time which only tells me that a bunch of folks were working on this for a long time, at least before the tragedy in CT.

Well, yeah. People like Feinstein and the rest of her ilk have been telling us what they want to do for years. It has never been a secret that massive restrictions like his have been their goal.
I'm quite surprised she isn't trying to ban .50 BMG rifles. I guess that's for the next tragedy.

Oh, like most libs she's Barrett-phobic -- notwithstanding that anyone who spends that kind of money for a rifle isn't going to shoot anything but paper or steel targets.

It's no doubt on her "list". The problem with specifying .50 and larger, of course, is that it covers a lot more than Barretts -- like a lot of black powder.

If you have a bill that's written by a bunch of recent third-tier law school grads who are working as unpaid interns, that minor detail would not be considered a problem. Even if she read the proposed bill, I don't think Feinstein is a lawyer herself.

This bill is so stupidly written that it has a snowball's chance... but I said that about Obamacare, too.

I'd contact my Senators but one is in advanced state of senile dementia and the other one is so much of a left wing loon that he makes Karl Marx look conservative. It would be a waste of electrons. Contact yours!
Sorry can't help but think that for the first time Obama actually stimulated the economy. Now Fienstien even wants to ruin that for him. Imagine the gun manufacturers that would simply have to shut down. Maybe a house will land on her before long. lol
I'm honestly not worried about this at all. There's a greater threat to us here in NY. We have to fight just to keep what few gun rights he have left.

Speaking of which, how's the housing market in PA looking these days?
My largest worry is what someone else said in a different thread. The country is different from 1994 regarding the backlash from the original AWB to change to Republican control. The demographics are different, the attitudes are different, and while we still have 2A, and Heller it may not be enough to reduce what the Dems and media are calling "reasonable gun laws".

IMHO, they only thing we're going to have to hang our hat on with regards to upholding very draconian restrictions to semi-auto military style rifles is the "Common Use" test in Miller and Heller. If the nature of the SCOTUS changes due to death or retirement, all bets are off on what the 2A really means.
Telling these individuals that " the 2nd amendment " does this and that doesn't work. THEY DON'T CARE!

If Thomas Jefferson, George Washington where here she'd be hanged for treason just for opening her trap.
I want a gold toilet seat. Doesn't mean I will get it. Feinstein knows this is probably her last hurrah. She's old, and she doesn't have enough time left to keep riding out the public sentiment cycle. Right now she has a lame-duck congress that wants ANYTHING besides the budget to talk about, and the fervor will not get more intense than it is RIGHT NOW. This is the peak of her power and control. She will not keep this position for long. There are a lot of roadblocks she has to get around. Getting it heard and voted on in both houses, (which is far from likely in itself,) Reid is not her ally in this, and she doesn't have the votes in congress at all. She is not in a position where she can force anyone to accept any degree of new gun control. It's not like she can force them to give her a counter-offer, they don't have to. The only difference between now and a month ago, is that she has the half-hearted support of five or so legislators who previously said they were against new gun laws, who are probably only saying so because they know that the law has absolutely no chance of going anywhere.

Yes, it's a lot to swallow, seeing it there all together like that. But remember she has ALWAYS wanted total confiscation of all guns. This should not be a surprise.

Half this battle is psychological. When we freak out every time they speak, they are winning. Don't freak out.

This is the only post that has made me feel better! I'm still writing everyone today.
Unfortunately, this administration and his comrades in Congress have literally passed laws under a "don't read it until after it's passed" rationale. All bets are off. "This is too stupid to actually pass" is not a sure thing anymore, if it ever was.
Fellow Texans,

Write your Congresscritters of course, but also:

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, we should write our GOVERNOR and ATTORNEY GENERAL asking that if this bill passes the House, the State of Texas must immediately sue in the 5th Circuit Court demanding an injunction against enforcement in Texas on the grounds that it is a direct affront to the State's sovereignty and security.

I am not a secessionist. I think it would be possible, legal, probably peaceable, certainly difficult and uncomfortable, and I'm not in favor of it. I greatly fear, however, that passage and enforcement of this bill under this President might well push us to the brink of a full-court mainstream press for a new Republic of Texas.

Someone please talk some sense to these people... what do they really want to happen?
This legislation would probably make just every weapon I own illegal except a breech load 12 gauge...

It's almost like this idiot is TRYING to start an insurrection.
This is very much the sort of proposal that I expected.

Get after your supposedly elected alleged representatives and let them know your rights and interests in no uncertain terms. Politely but clearly and firmly.

Remember, the people who are telling you that repressive gun control laws cannot pass are the same ones who told you that B. Hussein Obama was not going to be reelected.
I'd imagine the ATF would need to double it's manpower just to manage the enormous expansion of the NFA registry.


All hands on deck folks. Write your congress critters, educate your friends, family, and shooting buddies. This one is going to take all our efforts to defeat.
letters in the mail to representatives. member of the NRA. and lastly, i will take anyone out shooting if they show even a slight interest.....all in the name of opening up people's eyes.

this is ridiculous, but still needs to be taken seriously. the political climate is indeed different and there is a lot of pressure, both domestic and international, against gun ownership.
This looks like pretty much our worst nightmare.

No, this is bad enough, but our worst nightmare would be an Australian style forced confiscation. Since that's simply not possible as a starting point to start negotiations with other Congresscritters she's taken the next step down from that extreme to what colleagues in her camp will push.

Single feature was expected. Magazine capacity was expected. I think she's angling for CA style AWB as her end game with the addition of single feature and will give up NFA (since you have to amend the NFA to include semis), "bullet buttons", fixed magazines, etc.

It will be interesting to see how the hunting community responds since AR type rifles have grown in that area (heck, my wife had a Colt SP-1 in 7.62X39 for whitetail deer) with manufacturers like Remington and others producing AR types in classic hunting calibers and people are using 6.8 ARs for everything from boar to deer.
I'd imagine the ATF would need to double it's manpower just to manage the enormous expansion of the NFA registry.
Really, a Government office getting bigger and demanding more money?!?

I have been in my representative's ears since 1997. At this point they see me coming a mile away. Some of the relationships are cordial and professional, a couple are antagonistic (I have one representative who HATES to be reminded that he works for the citizens not the other way around).

GET ACTIVE AND STAY ACTIVE, constant steady unrelenting pressure is how this game is won!

Notes on activism and activism fatigue
What's really sad is that she is so obvious, just like we've been saying all along. NONE of this nonsense would have made a bit of difference in the CT school murders. She just used that to grease the skids of this fascist monstronsity, and the kids are forgotten. They were just a part of her equation.
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Be vigilant. Frankly, I see this passing the Democrat controlled Harry Reid led Obama-rubber-stamp Senate with flying colors. I can only hope that the house doesn't cave as usual. If this goes to a vote in the house, we're going to get stuck with at least half of it.
Interestingly it talks about grandfathering weapons but makes no mention of grandfathering magazines. Instead it just talks about banning 10+ mags so i gota wonder what her plan is there.

Mostly i'd just like to see the list of 120 specific weapons. Plenty are obvious but i'm curious what all is on there and how they define each gun. Did they include Saigas, for example?
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