I am wanting to order a Swiss K-31 in the near future. I have looked at several of the wholesalers (AIM, SOG, Samco, Century, etc.) for one of these, but the best condition that I can find one in is good to very good condition. I know that Samco had some in stock that were in excellent condition, but they are presently sold out. I think that I actually want to find one in excellent condition, if at all possible. This brings me up to my question. Does anyone know if any of the milsup wholesalers are going to be getting any new shipments of K-31's in the near future? Several of the websites mention that they aren't probably going to be getting anymore in, but if I recall, it seems like they have said this for just about every gun that they've had in stock at one time or another. Does anyone know if this is truly the case now, or is it simply a ploy to get you to buy what they have in stock at the moment so that they can replenish their supply with a new shipment? Does anyone know if there are any new shipments of K-31's in Switzerland to be had? Thanks for any comments back in this matter.