A nice rifle if you and load is a 1889, BUT like above you can't shoot GP11 in it. The Swiss Rifle Forums have load data for rolling your own. You can reload the berdan brass pretty easily, just takes a bit of extra time. I tried the water method, to much mess, looked at a commercial depriving tool, too expensive. What I do I'd take a drill bit, drill a small hole in the primer off to the side so you don't damage the anvil on the case. Then I put it in my reloading block upside-down, then take a pick and pry it out. Sounds like it would take a long time but once you get going it's only a few extra seconds really. When I first started I wrecked a few cases here and ther, but I've gotten to the point where I damage next to nothing. Powder valley has berdan pri.ers still I think. I gave the conversion a try but it's tedious and the results are not better then just reloading with berdan primers again.