Naw, we're way down past McCammon, so Lead Draw would be quite a hike for us just to go shooting. You're right though about Lead Draw being in the Caribou-Targhee NF.
I hadn't heard about it until I did a Google search about Lead Draw near Pocatello, but it seems that earlier this year the Forest Service closed the Lead Draw hiking/biking/horse-backing trail due to safety concerns about all of the shooting going on in that area. Here's the news story:
Yep, there's that too - especially in the summer. Even though a sizable portion of the land around here is National Forest land, some of it is
hardly forested. Some of it is just cheat grass, sagebrush and junipers, and that darned cheat grass burns like gasoline when it gets dry.
I think it was the summer before last that some jerks shooting exploding targets (Tannerite) set the Blackrock Canyon area SE of Pocatello on fire. I don't know how many thousands of acres were burned before
that fire was under control.
Some people might think it's lucky that the Blackrock Canyon area is mostly like I said - cheat grass, sagebrush and junipers (and black, lava rocks of course), so the fire didn't really destroy all that much. The reality is though, the Blackrock Canyon area has always been a
valuable wintering area for a good many deer. And our deer herds here in Idaho are thin enough
without people setting fire to their wintering areas.