Test Your True Political Leanings

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Just a bit right from Gandhi... no surprise really, but trying to complete a British survey from a Scandinavian standpoint was a bother :p . Up here I'd be considered pretty stiffly right-winged and authoritarian :rolleyes: .

Oleg, the idea of a THL(/TFL) -based survey battery wouldn't be bad. But how to clean international skewing from it? Just the ideas in general terms?
Uh, different results from the last time I took the test:
+3.25 econ right, -4.26 liberal

And the other test:
90% personal, 60% economic

Coincides with what I think I am, a liberal-conservative (by German standards). :)
Interesting. I love the question, 'Those who are able to work and do not should not expect to eat.' The fact that there are people that answer 'No' to this question is dis-heartening.

Economic Left/Right: -4.13
Authoritarian/Libertarian: -3.95

So does this make me a Libritarian with Communist leanings?

I am exactly where Robin Cook was in 1996 but now I'm closer to Charles Kennedy or Somin Hughes.
Just another stupid attempt to categorize everyone.

Want to put me in a category...how about "American"?

My ideas are my own. My political leaning are nobody's business. I prefer to keep my opinions, ideas, and thoughts private. Unles specifically asked or in the case of something I feel VERY strongly about. Then and only then will I get vocal.

Bosque County, Texas, USA
Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: 6.50
Authoritarian/Libertarian: -5.13


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