I'll post more when I can, as I have a paper due at 5pm and need to finish it. But . I was email yesterday by the Associate Dean of Students yesterday and he told me that I urgently needed to meet with him, yet he gave me no reason. As an upstanding student this gave me a great cause for concern. Also my profile pic at the time was this (as it still is):
So *** gives? I'm a threat or a concerned student?
I did meet with him today, I got the email yesterday, and since he only said that it was urgent I met with him I was very concerned, as the MSU officer on the Facebook group Concealedcampus, I felt that this might be part of it. It wasn't. I explained to him that I'm a gun rights activist, I shoot in IPSC, IDPA, F-class, and 3-gun. I feel like he was kinda feeling me out, so to speak. In brief, a professor in my department saw pictures of me holding firearms (an ar-15 no less) and reported me. Ironically they didn't complain about the pictures of me shoting in an F-class match, or my visit to the CMP store. I think this is a possible case of baiased discrimination against me for being a gunowner. I met with him (associate dean of students) and he had screenshots of my facebook profile with me holding the rifle. I'm more than a bit pissed off, and I'm in no trouble.
Also, if I can I'm gonna use this to get CCW legal on campus. IE use the fact that I was hassled due to the fact that I'm a gunowner
More to follow after 5pm
EDIT Here is what happened in a more clear manner:
At 12:30 pm (approx) Thursday I recieved this email from the Associate dean of students, I've only taken out information that you can use to contact him, as there isn't a need for a firemission YET.
I need you to contact the Dean of Students' office immediately and make
an appointment to get on my schedule before 4pm Friday.
Th3333 Bo3333333
Associate Dean of Students
Mississippi State University?"
BTW, My first name is spelled: Mark (it made me feel all nice and warm inside when he took the time to look up my name). Note he gave me NO REASON as to what this is about. I emailed him back asking what it was a bout, and he didn't email me back. I called the office and told the secretary that I had an email from him and wanted to know why he wished to meet with me instead she said "let's get you an appointment" and wouldn't answer the question, when I asked if I could speak to him she said he'd be in meetings all day. At this point I feared the worst...some sort of backlash against gunowners that are students, however I live off campus. I have never done anything illegal, or acted in any way that would violate MSU's honor code.
I talked to my advisor (a horticulture professor) and he knew of no action against me as to any academic misconduct. Of course...I assumed it was about guns. I'm a member of several gunrights groups in Facebook, and I have a picture up as my profile picture that Oleg Volk made.
At this point I'm under alot of stress, I have two papers due at 5pm on friday and an online test, and I have this kind of crap to worry about.
So I head off to meet him and arrive at 12:56pm CST, sign in with the secretary. the Associate Dean comes out and invites me into his office, then closes the door. I stand until he asks me to sit. He then asks if I'm wondering why I'm here. I think "yeah no sh*t DA" and I say "Yes infact I have been quite worried about why you want to meet with me, I've never committed academic misconduct, an honor code violation, or broken any laws". He says that a professor in my department saw pictures ofme on my facebook that disturbed him and reported me. I explaind that I shoot IDPA, IPSC, 3-Gun, F-class, and I'm a gun rights activist NOT a Cho type. He goes on to tell me how the world has changed like after 9/11. Which IMO is BS, if VT hadn't banned students from carry this massacre could have been prevented or mitigated in scale. Please note that I don't have perfect memory, I'm just typing what I remembered . I go on to say that they handled this incorrectly by not communicating with me batter. Then I talk with him about campus security, and I get the chance to explain to him that I've gotton to play a hostage in a local SWAT training event, and that I've shot with individual offiers of SPD. He even gave me the professors name (if I was a psycho is that really a good Idea?) and he suggested email and meet with him. He almost went on almost saying tha I should apologize to the professor, I interupted him and said I'm not going to apologize and that I would meet with him to allay his fears. I also say that he could have come to me if he was concerned. He also stated that he has met with several other students (10-15) about this as well. I think this is a pretty ****ty way to CYA, as Cho was mentally ill, and pictures of me holding guns that does not mean.
OH, BTW, their new plan may be to have emergency sirens that have voice capability, still his idea of keeping them safe is having us cower locked inside class rooms (despite the fact that most can't be locked without a key).
A bit more was said but this is the jist. I've requested that he give me the screen shots of my facebook profile so I may better review them, and if get them I'll post them here.
My profile contains multiple progun quotes, groups about the NRA, IDPA, and other shooting activities. The mesasge that my profile picture sends (to a rational human is that I wanted the tragedy to be avoided.
I'm pretty offended, but I don't think that I have any legal recourse, unfortunately.
Edit, my advisor is not the professor that saw the pictures, it was another professor in my department. I might add that I have never met the man on any occasion. Also I was informed by the associate dean of students that I was the ONLY let m e repeat: ONLY student turned in by this professor. I sense a witchhunt, and I will be compaining to the higher ups as soon as I've either spoken to my uncle who is a lawyer or another lawyer.
Also I won't be giving out the name of the professor who turned me in as I don't want this "man" to feel threatened by people compaining about his actions.

So *** gives? I'm a threat or a concerned student?
I did meet with him today, I got the email yesterday, and since he only said that it was urgent I met with him I was very concerned, as the MSU officer on the Facebook group Concealedcampus, I felt that this might be part of it. It wasn't. I explained to him that I'm a gun rights activist, I shoot in IPSC, IDPA, F-class, and 3-gun. I feel like he was kinda feeling me out, so to speak. In brief, a professor in my department saw pictures of me holding firearms (an ar-15 no less) and reported me. Ironically they didn't complain about the pictures of me shoting in an F-class match, or my visit to the CMP store. I think this is a possible case of baiased discrimination against me for being a gunowner. I met with him (associate dean of students) and he had screenshots of my facebook profile with me holding the rifle. I'm more than a bit pissed off, and I'm in no trouble.
Also, if I can I'm gonna use this to get CCW legal on campus. IE use the fact that I was hassled due to the fact that I'm a gunowner
More to follow after 5pm
EDIT Here is what happened in a more clear manner:
At 12:30 pm (approx) Thursday I recieved this email from the Associate dean of students, I've only taken out information that you can use to contact him, as there isn't a need for a firemission YET.
I need you to contact the Dean of Students' office immediately and make
an appointment to get on my schedule before 4pm Friday.
Th3333 Bo3333333
Associate Dean of Students
Mississippi State University?"
BTW, My first name is spelled: Mark (it made me feel all nice and warm inside when he took the time to look up my name). Note he gave me NO REASON as to what this is about. I emailed him back asking what it was a bout, and he didn't email me back. I called the office and told the secretary that I had an email from him and wanted to know why he wished to meet with me instead she said "let's get you an appointment" and wouldn't answer the question, when I asked if I could speak to him she said he'd be in meetings all day. At this point I feared the worst...some sort of backlash against gunowners that are students, however I live off campus. I have never done anything illegal, or acted in any way that would violate MSU's honor code.
I talked to my advisor (a horticulture professor) and he knew of no action against me as to any academic misconduct. Of course...I assumed it was about guns. I'm a member of several gunrights groups in Facebook, and I have a picture up as my profile picture that Oleg Volk made.
At this point I'm under alot of stress, I have two papers due at 5pm on friday and an online test, and I have this kind of crap to worry about.
So I head off to meet him and arrive at 12:56pm CST, sign in with the secretary. the Associate Dean comes out and invites me into his office, then closes the door. I stand until he asks me to sit. He then asks if I'm wondering why I'm here. I think "yeah no sh*t DA" and I say "Yes infact I have been quite worried about why you want to meet with me, I've never committed academic misconduct, an honor code violation, or broken any laws". He says that a professor in my department saw pictures ofme on my facebook that disturbed him and reported me. I explaind that I shoot IDPA, IPSC, 3-Gun, F-class, and I'm a gun rights activist NOT a Cho type. He goes on to tell me how the world has changed like after 9/11. Which IMO is BS, if VT hadn't banned students from carry this massacre could have been prevented or mitigated in scale. Please note that I don't have perfect memory, I'm just typing what I remembered . I go on to say that they handled this incorrectly by not communicating with me batter. Then I talk with him about campus security, and I get the chance to explain to him that I've gotton to play a hostage in a local SWAT training event, and that I've shot with individual offiers of SPD. He even gave me the professors name (if I was a psycho is that really a good Idea?) and he suggested email and meet with him. He almost went on almost saying tha I should apologize to the professor, I interupted him and said I'm not going to apologize and that I would meet with him to allay his fears. I also say that he could have come to me if he was concerned. He also stated that he has met with several other students (10-15) about this as well. I think this is a pretty ****ty way to CYA, as Cho was mentally ill, and pictures of me holding guns that does not mean.
OH, BTW, their new plan may be to have emergency sirens that have voice capability, still his idea of keeping them safe is having us cower locked inside class rooms (despite the fact that most can't be locked without a key).
A bit more was said but this is the jist. I've requested that he give me the screen shots of my facebook profile so I may better review them, and if get them I'll post them here.
My profile contains multiple progun quotes, groups about the NRA, IDPA, and other shooting activities. The mesasge that my profile picture sends (to a rational human is that I wanted the tragedy to be avoided.
I'm pretty offended, but I don't think that I have any legal recourse, unfortunately.
Edit, my advisor is not the professor that saw the pictures, it was another professor in my department. I might add that I have never met the man on any occasion. Also I was informed by the associate dean of students that I was the ONLY let m e repeat: ONLY student turned in by this professor. I sense a witchhunt, and I will be compaining to the higher ups as soon as I've either spoken to my uncle who is a lawyer or another lawyer.
Also I won't be giving out the name of the professor who turned me in as I don't want this "man" to feel threatened by people compaining about his actions.
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