The best pro-gun editorial in a newspaper, ever!

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For the Love of...That is the best I've ever read! I am unabashedly envious of that man's eloquince!
Will post to FB as soon as I get off work! (restrictions, you know.)
My reason is that ignorance begets fear. Fear generates illogical/irrational agendas. Illogical/irrational agendas solve nothing and are often injurious to those with whom such ignorant fear mongers disagree. As the article indicates: no experience necessary to opine. Therein lies the problem!
I just sat here and read that whole article. I normally don't read a lot of the articles posted and certainly not the complete thing when i do. But this one
just kept me reading.
All i can say is, WOW, this guy nails it. Well written and thought out. So many good points brought up it's hard to comment on just one. If you have the time it is well worth reading.
My reason is that ignorance begets fear. Fear generates illogical/irrational agendas. Illogical/irrational agendas solve nothing and are often injurious to those with whom such ignorant fear mongers disagree. As the article indicates: no experience necessary to opine. Therein lies the problem!
...and suffering leads to the Dark Side.

Sorry. Couldn't help it.
I recently had a mild anti tell me that I wanted everyone to be armed. The fact is that most anti s have it wrong. I don't care if they are armed or not. I merely distrust anyone who is all about forcing me to live by their rules. Who would force me to be disarmed. Until I infringe upon another person's rights what I do is literally none of their business. That is why I don't trust them.
I read that yesterday or the day before.

The only problem I see is getting the lying liars on the left to actually read it.

They're not kindly disposed to care about our reasoned, fact-based arguments.

He's preaching to the choir in other words. But it's all good stuff.
I merely distrust anyone who is all about forcing me to live by their rules.

It's like some people think every decision is supposed to be made for them. "Why wouldn't I be forced to go one way or the other? How else will I know what to do?"


Which is why they think laws are some insurmountable obstacle to whatever they want to prohibit from existence or foist upon the public. A magic incantation capable of altering reality and human nature.

Very good article, bookmarked for a time when i may need it.
What does the pop tart incident tell us about America? They brought in "counselors" the next day to help the "victims" deal with the trauma the poor kids suffered from having a pop tart pointed in their general direction. I don't know, to me it doesn't say much for what we have become.
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Good article, but the author starts to sound a bit unhinged by the end, talking of civil war, how the next one will be worse than the first (the bloodiest in all of US history). He warns people to stop with the anti-gun propaganda or there will be blood . . . I think he should've left that part out. While the gun debate can be very acrimonious, no one's talking about taking up arms against their fellow citizens or a revolution outside some extremist groups.

He makes great points, but when he starts talking about civil war and the blood that'll result from it, he starts sounding like those hard core preppers who think the Gov't is about to break down their door and run Red Dawn fantasies in their heads.

These are what I'm talking about - this kind of talk reeks of some of the crazed chatter you hear on survivalist boards (threads like "Is the time coming to revolt?" and "Where to hide your guns when they come for them?" - answers to these threads are usually along the lines of "Yes" and "In your foxhole, bring on the helicopters!!").

Author would've done better to end the article sooner, after pointing out the hypocrisy, just end the article with something like "Until you acknowledge there are two sides to this debate, and that pro-gun people aren't moronic rednecks, that we love this country and want to preserve and cherish our Second Am freedoms as much as you want to preserve your First Am, there can be no end to this controversy" - instead he breaks down and shows some ugly colors from the fringe of the pro-gun side
Your first post out of the chute, and you totally underwhelm me.
Oh, my bad, I didn't realize overwhelming each other was the goal here
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I didn't like it, because it jumped in right away with the "liberal" and "conservative" business. Bad idea. Once you start using those labels, you lose potential allies. This isn't conservative vs. liberal, it's RIGHT vs. WRONG. Now, we in the movement already know that it is generally liberals who are against us, and it is generally conservatives who have helped the cause. But the purpose of an editorial isn't just to preach to the choir. It's to win hearts and minds - or, at least, ideally it SHOULD be about winning hearts and minds to the cause. And that isn't done by politicizing the issue at a time when this country is exceptionally polarized politically, quite possibly the most it has ever been in history. Make this an issue of what's morally right and logically correct.
Make this an issue of what's morally right and logically correct.

Ummmm....this is where Liberals and Conservatives diverge AGAIN.

You won't win over any liberals using the me. ;)

You have to appeal to their 'feelings'.

The article was spot on.
The problem is that progressives tend to have a very different system of ethics than did our founding fathers and probably many conservatives (though not all).
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