The clock keeps on ticking...came to America 16 years today

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When I first happened upon TFL in late 2002 and foundthat it was going 10-7, I was very dissapointed as it was one of very few Forums with a sense of decorum. In stepped this Foreigner from of all places, Russia, not exactly ones picture of a Gun toting, freedom loving, fire breathing 2A proponent.

Exit TFL, enter THR and what can I say. I visit this site exclusively, and over the years, thanks primarily due to your guidance and never wavering insistance that THR be just that, I feel a sense of pride in being a member, and of having the priviledge of knowing a true American.

May you have many more years of the Pursuit and capture of the American dream.

Thanks for everything,

OLEG! I've only been here a little bit and I've found this site truly represents the freedom loving, unbigoted, hopeful and courageous aspects of gun-rights groups that I've always admired.

Lets work on getting more of the likes of Mr. Volk in the US and sending more of the grabbers to France! :evil:

So I gotta ask- was that first SKS a russian model? Were you thinking "maybe a great uncle of mine worked in a factory that made these?".
The first SKS was Chinese, probably fixable. Between the fixed magazine, scope mount on the receiver cover and other problems, it wasn't very good. I replaced it with an equally problematic Mini-14 and then with an AR15 (happy with that rifle).

The scope of problems with the US is vast, but the opportunities for fixing them are greater than elsewhere, it seems.
Have a couple of hot single 20-something cousins back in Russia, one of whom is now a PhD. Why, would anyone like to make me happy and bring the girls over here?
Yes, I would love to ... but I don't think my wife would approve ... :uhoh:

A degree in "domestic engineering" would suffice. :cool:
Congratulations, Oleg, and to you and all the others who have emigrated, I say, "Welcome, countrymen!" I'm a mutt, with family from all over, including native, and I'm proud of that. We are a nation of immigrants, and it's dissapointing that so few people ever remember that.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Emma Lazarus understood that those who are seeking and fighting for a better life are usually the ones who make the best citizens of a free nation.
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