The Hunting Rifle Picture Thread

Here's my Savage 99 in .300 Savage caliber. Built in '52, I've got an El Paso 4x Weaver of similar vintage in the rings. The rifle is easily the most accurate lever action I've ever owned or even shot. Off the farm house porch rail, it'll keep the first three in an inch or less: Hornady cup and core, old school 150 gr Spire Pts, over 4064 gives my 2650 fps and a sure deer killer out to 250 in our local bean fields. Best Regards, Rod

And wife's wedding present to me on November 7, 1970 was this Sako Forester in .308. I honestly can't give the number of deer it's killed as we loan it to visiting guys here on our farm. My longest shot on deer was with this old Sako, at good 8 pt buck here in KY on the last day of the modern gun season ten yrs ago...while fixing a leaking horse water tank by our barn I saw him edging out of the cedars on the far side of our property.

I had time to get down in a firm sitting position, and with a quickie sling on my left farm, I dropped him at 297 paces. It's an old friend, cherished by all who've carried her afield and will be a difficult to decide who gets her when I'm gone. Best regards, Rod

Some of mine:

7600 in .358Win:



700 in 300WM:



M7 in .223:

M7 in .260Rem:


M7 in 350RM:


Nosler M48 in .270Win:



Ruger M77 .30-06 from 1982 with a vintage 2-7x Redfield. Bought it from an old boy whose brother had it but didn't shoot it. The scope wasn't mounted when I bought it this year. Very accurate rifle and functions perfectly. Not a hunter anymore but for the price I couldn't pass up this beautiful tang safety Ruger that looks new.
Recent production Winchester 95 in .30-06 with a PTC repro Lyman model 21 rear sight. The rifle is amazingly accurate. I've owned a couple 95s in the past (Browning 1895 in .30-40 Krag and an early 20th century SRC in .30) and absolutely love them!

A couple of the hunting rifles I own. They've all received a bit of accurizing, including action bedding and trigger adjustments/improvements. If they don't shoot tiny groups, they either get improved or traded. These are winners! The third photo is the same rifle as the Second photo, Stainless .270 Rem. 700 BDL. All my rifles shoot good handloads under 1 MOA, most of them half of that...thanks to excellent hunting-handloads. That 700bdl is the best hunting rifle I've ever had. The moose was shot at a bit over 220 yards, after a quick shot when sitting on my stool, and as it crossed a haul road in the "North Maine Woods". As wide as the road appears in the photo, there was a section at about 150 yards that was much narrower, so I only had about 5 seconds to mount and shoot the rifle from my stool, before it disappeared from view. We heard it thrashing in brush after the shot, but it had gone out of sight in a small clearing, away from the road before it dropped. We dragged it back and three of us loaded it on the truck. It hung a bit out over the open tailgate, but wasn't in any position to complain. The shot was well-positioned, through the lungs. I started opening it to clean it out, but flies came out over it. so we stopped, loaded it onto the truck and beat it to get it to the butcher ASAP. It only took a bit over 2 hours to get it there, and the flies didn't follow us very far.


  • Tikka 452 W-fluted .17 HMRand 4.5-14X scope.JPG
    Tikka 452 W-fluted .17 HMRand 4.5-14X scope.JPG
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  • Rem 700bdl stainless .270.jpg
    Rem 700bdl stainless .270.jpg
    105.6 KB · Views: 13
  • Moose and John.jpg
    Moose and John.jpg
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Ruger M77 .30-06 from 1982 with a vintage 2-7x Redfield. Bought it from an old boy whose brother had it but didn't shoot it. The scope wasn't mounted when I bought it this year. Very accurate rifle and functions perfectly. Not a hunter anymore but for the price I couldn't pass up this beautiful tang safety Ruger that looks new.
Nice find. Looks like a bit of nice wood there too.
And wife's wedding present to me on November 7, 1970 was this Sako Forester in .308. I honestly can't give the number of deer it's killed as we loan it to visiting guys here on our farm. My longest shot on deer was with this old Sako, at good 8 pt buck here in KY on the last day of the modern gun season ten yrs ago...while fixing a leaking horse water tank by our barn I saw him edging out of the cedars on the far side of our property.

I had time to get down in a firm sitting position, and with a quickie sling on my left farm, I dropped him at 297 paces. It's an old friend, cherished by all who've carried her afield and will be a difficult to decide who gets her when I'm gone. Best regards, Rod

I can see why it's a favorite. Very nice. Thanks for sharing the long shot story.
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My .270 Win, Rem 700 BDL Stainless, glassbedded in its nice aftermarket 3-layer, laminated stock. She's very accurate and not too heavy. Moose was harvested in the North Maine Woods at about 280 yards as it crossed a narrow section of a North Maine Woods haul road. My son had scouted the area and it proved to be great. The poor victim was called in by a few females in a feeding area. One shot from my .270 Win handloads through the lungs was all it took. I used handloads consisting of a Nosler 140 Accubond, pushed along nicely by a healthy dose of RX22, as listed in my Lyman reloading manual. I was sitting on my folding stool and had my left elbow on my knee. He took about three steps and disappeared into an empty wood piling area on the right side of the road. We heard him thrashing about for only a few seconds before it got quiet.
Very nice, love how dark he is.
I’ve shown this before, this is from a beautiful morning sit on Friday and I wanted to share.
This area allows no more than a hundred yard shot.
I’m sitting about 30 yards down wind of a rub and scrape, at this point hoping the guy who made will come along and freshen it up after the rain from the night before….
This rifle is such a pleasure to carry in this woods!