Things I Learned at the Range Today


Oct 10, 2020
I’ve been trying out a new load and comparing it to some older ones lately. Generally when I go to the range I’m trying to answer a question of some kind. For today, I have answers to questions I didn’t know I asked.

My Canik is generally more accurate than my M&P9. Whatever the distance or load, the M&P9 is just a half step behind. Some times the M&P will shoot a little better, but most times, the Canik wins by a noticeable margin.

My CFE Pistol/147 grain XTP load is an excellent overall load in all the 9mms I’ve tried with it. In both pistols and PCCs, it has been a consistent and accurate load. I have questions about some other loads I’ve cooked up, but this load just works.

Anyone else learn something or answer a question during a recent range trip?
Anyone else learn something or answer a question during a recent range trip?
Yes, yesterday I learned my "range trips" are probably over for a couple of months. You see, my "range" is a local county gravel pit about 2 miles down the road from our house, and it started filling with snow on Christmas evening. Yesterday, after I'd been down there trying out some .44 Special loads, I had to back up and get a run at the hill to get back up to the road so that I could come home. o_O
I guess I should feel "deprived" that because of the snow, there's a couple of months out of every year that I don't get to go shooting whenever I want. On the other hand, I can legally and safely shoot from our rear deck if I really have to try out some new loads, and the only thing our "range" costs us is included when we pay our county property taxes. ;)
It’s a mixed blessing. My wife would take snow any time but I’m not like that. She doesn’t have to go anywhere. I still have to work.
I’ve been trying out a new load and comparing it to some older ones lately. Generally when I go to the range I’m trying to answer a question of some kind. For today, I have answers to questions I didn’t know I asked.

My Canik is generally more accurate than my M&P9. Whatever the distance or load, the M&P9 is just a half step behind. Some times the M&P will shoot a little better, but most times, the Canik wins by a noticeable margin.

My CFE Pistol/147 grain XTP load is an excellent overall load in all the 9mms I’ve tried with it. In both pistols and PCCs, it has been a consistent and accurate load. I have questions about some other loads I’ve cooked up, but this load just works.

Anyone else learn something or answer a question during a recent range trip?
What version of the M&P9 do you have 1.0 or 2.0?

The 1.0 did not have the best reputation for accuracy.
M&P9 2.0. I started more than one thread about its accuracy but in the end, it’s just pickier than my Canik. 124 grain bullets seem to be its sweet spot, except that 147 grain XTP load.

I also learned my shooting glasses with one eye covered do make a small difference vs both eyes open or closing one eye.
I learned that 3D Nylon-Carbon Fiber filament, even printed at 100% infill, does not make a good spacer for iron sights. Isn't rigid enough. Either I mill them out of steel, or hey, I just lowered my cheek piece to bring my eye down to the sights. Hated cutting up the stock, but am happy with the result.
I learned yesterday to have an extra battery with you so when you’re red dot goes dead you can keep shooting. Luckily I had two other guns and ammunition with me.

I have also learned at the range that life doesn’t end when you run out of Bullseye powder for 38 special with a 148 grain LHBWC,, Ram Shot Competition is a excellent replacement and maybe even better.
I learned yesterday to have an extra battery with you so when you’re red dot goes dead you can keep shooting.
Yep, as I posted a while back, I learned to tape a spare 9V battery inside my chronograph in case I left it on the last time I went shooting. Of course, ever since I started taping a spare battery inside, I've never left the darned thing on again. ;)
If you go to the range with a double rifle you need to take the fore arm with you.
If you remove the bolt from your bolt action rifle to run a patch down the barrel after it has been stored awhile, be sure to put the bolt back in before headed to the range. Just sayin’.
Always check how many staples are in my staple gun BEFORE I trek 100 yds or more downrange to post a new target.
If you remove the bolt from your bolt action rifle to run a patch down the barrel after it has been stored awhile, be sure to put the bolt back in before headed to the range. Just sayin’.

Always check how many staples are in my staple gun BEFORE I trek 100 yds or more downrange to post a new target.
Masking tape rules!
I learned that it's funny, when someone not wearing hearing protection, during a cease fire, sits down next to a person shooting a .50, might fall out of their seat, when said .50 owner pulls the trigger, after the rangemaster says all clear!

Heck, even their friends think it's funny! 😆
I learned to make sure all the screws are tight and the parts are in place. My son’s laser sight walked off the front rail of his Glock 22.