Things you never expected to do...

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I'll go with trent on this one

ESP. if what he says is ANYTHING close to some of earlier threads he posted, as it wasn't that long ago (or maybe it was)

she was legally screwing him HARD
so, um yeah, there is hurt feelings AND years of past experiences to base AND check. So instilling a flinch, why don't you offer a better way to see if it's a 'buddy buddy hey guns are cool now' or a real desire.

Sorry, but it could have also been a set up for a new legal battle.
not the smartest, but I'll say I wasn't there or in that relationship.
Follow up on this.

Three weeks after this she hit me up for giving up custody of my daughter. "I have my life back in order, blah blah blah". (Really? Then why are you borrowing gas and food money off me to come get the kids for visitation?)

I mean, the kids started school here the VERY NEXT DAY, we'd already enrolled them, gone through registration, etc, and she just wants to up and transplant my daughter overnight?

I've had full custody of her for 10 years (she's 13 now). I fought hard in court. Not giving up or rolling over that easy. Even if she IS cool with guns now (which she's decidedly not, there hasn't been one single follow up conversation about guns since that day).

Her ex-boyfriend is now her boyfriend again, moved back in with her. He was in jail for awhile - repeatedly rammed his car in to her brand new car one night, drunk and angry. Great environment to raise kids, ya know.

Mind games. That's all it was.
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