This is not meant to be political, just a FACT: Kamala Harris is a gun owner

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Jan 17, 2014
Again, not meant to be political. Kamala Harris owns a gun, which is a surprise. As she claimed to own a gun during this evening’s debate.
I'm sure plenty of gun haters own guns.
"Rules for thee, not for me!"
It's nothing new.
And to keep it THR compliant,
our 2A was added to the BOR to stop the political class from disarming the people while select elites remained armed and /or protected by arms, and thereby creating the means for tyranny to exist.
I would have imagined that she didn’t own a firearm. This was surprising.
I can understand how one might think that. There are a lot of gun owners out there, I think, who believe that owning a gun somehow proves that they support the 2nd Amendment, even though owning one is only a small part of it. It would be like a person claiming that owning paper proves that they support the 1st Amendment.

This is not meant to be political, just a FACT: Kamala Harris is a gun owner​

This seems rather disingenuous, LOL. It is the night of the first POTUS debate between Harris and Trump and guns are part of the discussion and you chose tonight to make a non-political statement that Harris is a gun owner. How could that be construed as anything other than a political statement. Never mind that Harris announced this during the political debate with Trump.
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