Not me. I was in LE over a decade, and I am very pro-LE, but this guy would not have my vote of confidence even if he were an LEO.I would bet money that if the same story was written but instead of rent-a-cop the shooter was a LEO that at least half the posters would be supporting the shooter.
I'm not at all saying guards or security officers are losers or anything like that, and there are LEO's on the street that shouldn't be out there. Not everyone is cut out to do it, and carrying a firearm means the person must have good, split-second decision making ability, and this can be enhanced by good, lengthy training which most security personel are not provided with.
Too many organizations have little or poor training and authorize someone to carry a gun not knowing how they will actually respond in a stressful situation. This was not really that stressful of an event. If someone had pulled a gun the guy may have passed out cold. I'm not saying the guy was stupid, but his actions do not seemed to be warranted in this event. Perhaps he had never received any training in such an event, or was unware of what can occur. Looks like common sense would say "Don't position yourself in front of a moving vehicle." If the common sense isn't there to tell a person that, it is probably lacking in other areas.