THR member publishes a novel, and it is gun related, oh, it is gun related...

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I got my copy and patch in yesterday's mail. WOOT!!!


I managed to get around 100 pages into it when we lost power around 7:30 in the evening when thunderstorms rolled through the area. The wife thought I was crazy when I dug out the alligator clip for my Photon Micro light and wore a hat so I could continue reading! :D I finally put it down at 196 pages and gave up for the night.

So far, so good. Guns and Monsters... LOTS of GUNS, and (so far) a fair variety of monsters. Both the realism with the guns, and having logical adaptations of movie monster lore helps with the suspension of disbelief needed for this kind of novel.

Finally got all the chores for the day done, so I'm off to see what "Z" is up to now!
my vigil

My vigil was rewarded and my copies arrived today! :)

I will see about getting a local bookstore interested, as well.
My copy arrived today but haven't had a chance to start reading. I thought that it was interesting that Larry's autograph looks more like the representation of a lightning bolt than anything I have seen in our alphabet. :neener:

Hmmmm. Could that have been on purpose or was I simply well down on the sequence of books he signed and he was dealing with writers cramp?
Warhorse, nope, my signature always looks like that. :)

As Owen says at one point in the book, accountants have lousy signatures. You try signing your name a couple hundred times a day and keeping a nice sig. :p
my book arrived the other day. and its in the queue to be read.
I am almost done with the dies the fire series. cant wait to get to monsters with guns. my wife stole my patch.:mad: she liked it. I may have to go to FBMG to get another. maybe I will punish her for stealing my patch by coming home with a new boom maker. :neener:
Matt's a friend of mine. His trilogy of books is excellent. I believe that his #2 came out last year. I bought five copies of #1 just to give as presents and spread around. If Matt thinks the book is good, well that's good enough for me.
So, I printed off the sample chapter yesterday, and managed to read it last night. Nicely done, Mr. Correia, I do believe you've made another sale! IIRC, from trolling through the thread here yesterday, you DID prefer for us latecomers to hit up Amazon for our copies?
Correia drew half a mohawk on the first page of mine :D

The patch is pinned to my wall at work right next to my AAC sticker :)
Larry, now i got a PayPal account and want a to buy your book with your sig and a MHI patch (if available). How (and how much) shall i pay (including shipping overseas)?
A late Christmas gift

Thanks Larry...
It arrived in Yesterday's mail...
And it's pretty good so far.
The patch will be on the scooter vest soon.

Just finished MHI about 15 minutes ago. DAMN, that was a great read. Guns,guns,and even more guns. I like the fact that the hunters go with one particular caliber in their handguns. Character development was good, lots of humor, I laughed my ass off several times. This was the type of read that you didn't want to put down. Fast Paced,and totally realistic charactors, especially with the gunplay.
There is no way that Hollywood could do this any justice. And neither could the Sci-Fi Channel. Larry, if they approach you, do what is best for you, just don't let them turn this into a travesty.
This book is a winner! Two thumbs up. Way the hell up. Looking forward to MHI-ll.
Awesome. Thanks guys. I'm glad you like it. Do me a favor and tell your friends. :)

To answer the questions, I've still got lots of books personally, but I'm down to my last ten patches. Those are first come, first serve. My Paypal is [email protected]

International shipping is $12.

Ordering off of Amazon helps my overall stats more, but I make more when you order direct from me. So it is a wash. Do whatever is convenient.

Yes, there will be an MHI II. Anybody who has finished MHI saw how it ended, so you've got some idea of what's coming next. It is gonna be cool. I don't want to say too much, but all your favorite characters will be returning, and you will get to learn a lot more about the history of MHI, plus all new monsters.

For those of you that have been digging on it, do me a favor and post a review on Amazon. Right now I'm getting a pretty good buzz, and I'm hoping as the rest of the folks read the preorders, I can get a good movement going.
"Yes, there will be an MHI II."
Great book.

Fantastic book. Read it through in a day (had to stop at 2AM to get a little sleep before I went to work.)

I don't think a movie could do the story justice. It would need to be a mini-series at least. This would make for a great show. (Stargate, X-Files, and Buffy kind of rolled into one.) If a film adaption ever gets rolling, I volunteer to be an extra. :)

When can we expect the sequel?
Thanks Larry, my copy arrived yesterday. I was up until after midnight before I realized what time it was, so I'm blaming you for my lack of sleep until I get it finished.

Great so far, I'm already looking forward to MHI II.
If it does get made into a movie, I know a place that handles movie guns. It's run by some guys out in Utah, I think. :)
Sheeeeesh, You guys are quick readers!!!

I got my copy the other day and I'm only on page 12.

Working gets in the way of fun stuff. LOL.

But I didn't think it was going to get that good so early in the book!

I cannot wait to read more of it.
"Returning gracefully to all fours he shook himself like a giant dog, splattering the blood from his wounds on the white walls and motivational posters in the hall."

That's the line that hooked me. I'm in, but I don't do PayPal.

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John, you can get it off of Amazon, or Though Amazon has sold out a couple of times now, the 2nd link is direct from the publisher.

And just so you know, I love Unintended Consequences. :)
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