Time to refill our ammo cans before civilians ammo sales are affected.

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Or the PCA Spectrum plastic cased stuff!:D And I remember using IMI .45 for our last quals with the M1911's, too, Jeff. I thought it kinda ludicrous that the US Army was buying ball ammo from Israel. And now langenator wants to use Russian ammo in the M249's? If it's anything like the 9mm Wolf, Nyet! :cuss:
I thought it kinda ludicrous that the US Army was buying ball ammo from Israel.

The question is, "Do Sharon's lips move when Bush speaks?" I'm not surprised by ANYTHING we do with Israel! I wonder where "W" and Laura sleep when Shamu is in town.

I'm not sure that this will affect the commercial prices of .223. Common ammunition makers like Remington, Black Hills, Wolf, S&B, etc. and various surplus sources will still be available. IMI ammo and Federal ammo (which my Mini-14 LOVES) will probably be in very short supply for a while, though.
As far as the M16 mag shortage and the AWB--there is also a huge fiasco over junk magazines issued for the Beretta M9 that occurred as a direct result of the AWB.


Because all of the companies that used to make aftermarket full-cap mags for the civilian Beretta 92 were put out of that business by the AWB, the military was forced to run a small contract for military-only magazines, and apparently the company cut some corners to keep the cost where the military wanted it (since they couldn't amortize the tooling by selling mags to civilians like they could before 1994).
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