Objectively, I don't agree with the AUG being included. If it were me, I think a much more deserving rifle would be the Swedish Mauser, or even going back further in time, the Krag.
Personally, I hate the FAL. I know, I know, it is a good rifle that everyone but me loves, but I have just never liked them, and I probably never will. Again, this is only my personal opinion, but I think I would have not included the FAL in favor of something like the BAR, or even the K31 or SKS. Heck, I personally would place the AUG ahead of the FAL. Like I have said though, that is my personal opinion, not my objective one.
Also, I don't disagree with the AK being #1, but I do disagree with the Garand not being higher. The AK is probably not the over-all finest battle weapon around, but it is the most ubiquitous of the group, and it does have a fine reputation for reliable service in pretty much all climates. Certainly, the Garand was more accurate, and in it's glory days, it was "the" battle rifle of choice. However, the Garand had nothing near the longetivity or the widespread dispersal of the AK, and for those reasons, I think the AK is probably good at #1. The Garand is a better weapon than the M-16, and I will go to my grave defending that statement. I am not an M-16 hater by any stretch of the imagination, and it probably does deserve to be on the list, but I just think the Garand is a better rifle. Specifically, I would probably just flip the Garand's and the M-16's positions, because the SMLE is one hell of a rifle.