I prefer the P230 to the Walther PP. Have had two Walthers fail in heavy use. I have P230s in both .32 ACP and .380. Solid guns which have stood up to over 30 years of heavy training use and annual quals. Best with real Euro-CIP ammo and not wimpy US stuff. They are balanced for 95 grain FMJ at 985 fps. The .32 ACP for 77-grain heavy ball also at 985 fps.
British SAS, FBI HRT and DC MPD SWAT carried these as backups worn under body armor back in the late 1980s. The big drawback is that SIG service is not reliable anymore on older guns which are out of production, which is an issue if you are firing over a thousand rounds per year without department armorer inspection. After market non-SIG magazines can also be problematic and real SIG mags are VERY expensive. Mec-Gar mags I got in Italy were OK in .380, but for the rare .32 ACP Austrian police model only original SIG 7.65 mags work and they are not available in the US. I ordered my spares from Waffen Franconia in Wurzburg, $100 each with shipping and customs duty.