Trash or Treasure? Sig P230

Magazines are very expensive. $80-100 for factory mags if you can find them. They've been out of production for quite some time.

These are often overlooked at gun shows so if you see one at a table, you might see if the seller is willing to sell a mag or two off from the package. I doubt most resellers know what the mags are worth. but even if they hose you at $50 you still come away a winner.
Magazines are very expensive. $80-100 for factory mags if you can find them. They've been out of production for quite some time.

These are often overlooked at gun shows so if you see one at a table, you might see if the seller is willing to sell a mag or two off from the package. I doubt most resellers know what the mags are worth. but even if they hose you at $50 you still come away a winner.
Mags are now $200 each
If you can get it for $500 or less, buy it. Hopefully, it will have 2 mags. I upgraded from a Bersa Thunder .380 to a Sig 232SL. Carried both for years(singly, not at same time). They both performed well, the edge going to the Sig. Probably due to the heavier stainless frame. At the time, liking steel guns, bought an Astra A70 and moved into 9mm carry. Gave the Sig to my kid, he needed a decent carry. I had a lot of .380s, the best shooting one(for me) was the CZ83. The most accurate(again, for me) was the SMC 380. Loved the accuracy of the SMC but too close to being a PPK and sliced and diced my hand too much.
I never owned one, but my former beat partner had one as a backup for a long time. She never had an issue with her gun, and liked it a lot.

Since PPK-esque .380’s aren’t my favorite guns to shoot, I would buy one, with an extra magazine, if the price was in the “just gotta take it” range. Other than that, I will leave them for others to buy. :)

Let us know how it shoots for you when you get a chance @Mark_Mark :thumbup:

Stay safe.
I never owned one, but my former beat partner had one as a backup for a long time. She never had an issue with her gun, and liked it a lot.

Since PPK-esque .380’s aren’t my favorite guns to shoot, I would buy one, with an extra magazine, if the price was in the “just gotta take it” range. Other than that, I will leave them for others to buy. :)

Let us know how it shoots for you when you get a chance @Mark_Mark :thumbup:

Stay safe.
you would not believe the price if I told you. After I get legal transfer I’ll reveal the price. Make my gun Safari Fun!

must have been hard to have a female partner! JK… I’ll stop now! 😂

anybody want to take a guess?
I was also lucky enough to have one of the 120 or so Japanese police pistol over runs in 32acp which were brought into the country. Neat version, safety added per the contract.
Those are not seen very often at all.
These are great pistols. Snagged one at a gunshow, and it is a keeper. I liked it for the .32 caliber; the safety only works with the gun decocked. Belt and suspenders on the part of the Japanese police.
Liked it way better than any of the PP series guns. Nasty little buggers they are.
My take as well. Had two of the .380 versions, some years ago, one stainless, the other blue. They were still rappy, but not nearly as bad as the Walthers.
But, like the Walthers, the .32 is Baby Bear's Porridge. Never use mine for anything serious, but it is a superb range queen. Need to shoot it in our snubby league after New Years.
In the annual qualifications he did very well with it but he had a few malfunctions due to the Pachmayr grips, which interfere with the trigger bar when the grips screws were tightened too much.
Interesting. The Walther guns share this problem, the Pachyderms can affect function. IMHO, they aren't much help on the recoil issue. And the snappy recoil is frequently why folks install the Pachyderms. :(
Magazines are very expensive. $80-100 for factory mags if you can find them. They've been out of production for quite some time.

These are often overlooked at gun shows so if you see one at a table, you might see if the seller is willing to sell a mag or two off from the package. I doubt most resellers know what the mags are worth. but even if they hose you at $50 you still come away a winner.
I dunno, the regular vendors at my local shows are VERY aware of magazine prices. It's common to see guns for sale with the magazines in a lockbox under the table, or a cheap aftermarket mag in the gun and the $$ factory stuff sold separately.
"Oh, by the way I do have some vintage magazines for that gun you just bought for only $75 each...."

I've even seen them buy a gun cheap from a private seller, strip the factory mags and sights, then put the gun back on the table for what they just paid. The mags and sights are on Ebay within minutes. 😞
I dunno, the regular vendors at my local shows are VERY aware of magazine prices. It's common to see guns for sale with the magazines in a lockbox under the table, or a cheap aftermarket mag in the gun and the $$ factory stuff sold separately.
"Oh, by the way I do have some vintage magazines for that gun you just bought for only $75 each...."

I've even seen them buy a gun cheap from a private seller, strip the factory mags and sights, then put the gun back on the table for what they just paid. The mags and sights are on Ebay within minutes. 😞
really… Just strip the sights and mag, off to Ebay it goes.
I've never fired one, but I think they are a handsome pistol. The couple I have run across in the local gun shops have really been too beat for my tastes.

If I could find one in excellent shape though, I might bite. These quoted mag prices are a little "ouch" for me, however..........
Oh. I remember those now. Very rare. It's a porcelain gun made in Germany. Doesn't show up on your airport X-ray machines, here, and it cost more than you make in a month.
And made from a titanium/unobtanium alloy, shooting depleted uranium bullets.

Okay, Mark, give us 15 yards for piling on.
strip the factory mags
Yep. Unhappily, Walther TPH mags experience this. It's not common to find one with both factory magazines.
Oddly, the .25ACP magazines are dirt cheap, but the .22s are a fortune.
Most anything marked made in West Germany back in the day was quality.
Plainly, you never met my Opel Rallye.... Though the Beemers, Audi and VWs have been great.
German stuff is top quality, and you pay for it. Zeiss/Germany lives around a grand, Zeiss/China is half that.
But if you like .32 anything, there's lots of interesting, cool stuff from the other side of the pond.
In that condition & for my money, the Cold War-era W, which precedes Germany, qualifies it as a treasure; this, even though it's a commonplace 380.

Were it chambered in 9mm Police - aka, 9x18 Ultra - I'd be begging you for the seller's contact info!