Two gun carry

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Rev. Chad

Aug 6, 2010
For those of y'all that carry two guns, what is your current setup? I guess I have been watching too many westerns lately since my carry guns has been a Ruger Blackhawk and a Cobra derringer. I know most would think I'm a batty for carrying these guns for CCW, but least they match.:evil:

Not all the time, but I frequently carry a pair of Kel-Tecs (I always have at least one of them, if not a different gun, which is rare.)

The PF9 rides strong-side (left) in a Tagua OWB open-top, and the P32 in an Uncle Mike's pocket holster in a front pocket. The PF9 is the one that is carried almost all the time.
Not something I would take East of 95 in Richmond after dark, but for country living off 81 why not.....
Well one of them isn't a revolver, but my Ruger LCP stays in my pocket 24/7
So when I'm out joyriding on the motorcycle, or out in the woods for a walk, I've got my 6" Dan Wesson in a hip holster with my LCP right next to it in my pocket.
Confining my answer to revolvers, lately I've been carrying a Ruger LCR .38 with the boot grip in my left (weak side) front Dockers pocket, and a .357 LCR with the tamer grips in a small gunpack. An LCR available to either hand. Light and comfortable.

The .357 is carried with 125 grain .357 mag Gold Dots, the .38 with 125 grain +P Gold Dots. The gunpack carries two speed strip reloads for the 357. I carry two speed strip reloads for the .38 in a small cell phone case clipped to the right front pocket.

This setup works beautifully with my current activity set.
Works for me.
Have carried both. Pocket & ankle holster or shoulder holster. CarryGuns.jpg One day i carried 3 S&W Model 659's 9mm.
Custom vest with 38 Jframe snub in left pocket cross draw. SP101 357 snub in right hand pocket. Left hand is recovering Ruger as right hand is emptying jframe. Sometimes called a New York reload, for me it works.

Any of several full sized semi autos in a Miami Classic shoulder holster and any of a number of revos strong side, both covered by a thin full length photo vest.
Xd9 compact on strong side and keltec pf9 on weak side. Sometimes I carry an old charter arms(70's) undercover .38 on my strong side in place of the xd9. When I feel all hickish, I carry my S&W 67-1 strong side and charter undercover weak side.
Very, very rare. Once or twice, the G19 IWB, 642 in a pocket or in the "man purse" pictured here. Occasionally, for whatever reason, an LCR .22 was in the bag instead. At the time, the bag and revolver were locked up in the office, while the Glock rode my hip. This is when I used to run a little bar for many years.
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Charlie Fox? I've read your articles in The Backwoodsman magazine.


A back-up makes especially good sense if you carry a SA revolver. Reloading is going to be S-L-O-W! Particularly if there's still rounds buzzing by your head. (smile)

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