US security chief strives to expel all illegal immigrants

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Competition, diversity, vitality are GOOD things. They'll only makes us stronger.

"Diversity" has become another wedge of socialism--or, as I prefer to call it, demographic socialism. Instead of looking at individuals, we count by racial or ethnic or gender categories and feel good about ourselves. This is not only un-American, this is superficial in the extreme. We should be looking beyond such categories. Real diversity is a far subtler thing but appears to be, thanks to both government and commerce, an endangered species.
Sorry, I guess I wasn't very clear. When I said "diversity" I didn't mean it in the liberal sense (affirmative action, minority rights, racism...:barf: ). I meant something more along the lines of differing ideas, values, talents, and so forth.

Take a whole bunch of different viewpoints, approaches, techniques, attitudes, etc. Mix 'em all up. Then turn them loose in a free market society. Eventually the best of those ideas will rise to the top. The ones that work will flourish, and we'll all be better off for it. That's what I meant when I said competition, diversity and vitality are good things.

When it comes to different cultures/races/etnicities/nationalities, I favor the melting pot system. I don't care what genes you carry, or where you were born, but if you live here you oughta be as American as apple pie.

My mother and father (long divorced) are entrepreneurs. Both have started their own companies. My father's first failed, his second succeeded but he had to abandon it, and his third is wildly succesful. My mother got hers right the first time.

They both say that the hardest part of running a business is finding good employees. There simply aren't enough motivated, intelligent, capable people out there to be hired.

It's kinda funny, if you get them started on the topic they both get this sort of wistful look in their eyes. They'll say something like "just think what we could do with the company if we had the perfect person to do XYZ..." Then they snap back to reality. :(

It sounds cliche, but the right person really can make all the difference. Hard workers, people with initiative and drive, creativity and resourcefulness... These people are worth their weight in gold. They won't take any jobs from Americans; they'll make it possible for their employers to hire more workers.

Surely some of these folks exist in Mexico. Let's import them.:evil:

No disagreement there.

We would be well-served to scout out great future Americans everywhere. We can't have too many of those.

Maybe the right word, as opposed to diversity, is adaptability? We are really talking about resourcefulness, no?
They both say that the hardest part of running a business is finding good employees. There simply aren't enough motivated, intelligent, capable people out there to be hired.
Sure there are. You just have to be willing to pay their price. Then treat them with respect if you want their continuing services.
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