VA - VA Senate to vote on Private Sales at Gunshows.

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Member In Memoriam
Dec 24, 2002
I urge Virginia gun enthusiasts to do just one thing - subscribe to the FREE VA-Alert maillist at - know what the legislature is doing for and to you. Get the info direct to you about every gun-related bill. Membership in VCDL is not required for subscribing to this info maillist.

This is a short session and things are already flying fast. Consider this last Alert today:
Jim Kadison, who attended the Senate Courts of Justice committee meeting today on VCDL's behalf, reported to me the following:


SB743 - the day care center gun ban, was DEFEATED by 8 to 7! Yes!


SB807 - the gun show private-sale registration scheme from Senator
Marsh PASSED by an 8 to 7 vote. At least three 'pro-gun' Senators
voted for this monstrosity:

Senator Norment (in fact Norment had left the room. Had he stayed
gone the bill would have died by a 7-7 vote. He returned and put in
the final 'yes' vote that got it passed), Senator Quayle, and Senator Mims.


You must immediately contact your Senator and say that you want SB807 defeated. A floor vote often comes within 3 days of leaving committee, so time is of the essence.

A new email reflector will allow you to send email to your senator or delegate without any more than a "Send" click... no muss, no fuss. But only if you want to send it.

-Andy B
Summary as introduced:
Transfer of firearms; criminal records check; penalties. Adds a definition of "firearms show vendor" and requires that a criminal history record information check be performed on the prospective transferee before the vendor may transfer firearms at a gun show. Under current law, only licensed dealers must obtain such a check.

Current Status:
01/19/05 Senate: Reported from Courts of Justice w/amds (8-Y 7-N)

BTW, does anyone know how to see if your VCDL membership has expired or not? I can't remember if I re-upped in September.
BTW, does anyone know how to see if your VCDL membership has expired or not? I can't remember if I re-upped in September.

Poodleshooter - look on your card! :D If that does not work, you need to find it - can't be a "card-carrying member" without the card, dont'chknow.

stay safe.

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