VIRGINIA gun owners --------- VIRGINIA

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Hi All. Seems like a lot of Virginia folks here. I saw a referral from here to my site at and came to check it out.

I'm a VCDL and NRA member and just started the Virginia Gun Owners Forum a couple of months ago. We have had a great turn-out so far and continue to grow. Over 3,300 posts in our first two months online!

We have a lot of information including merchant feedback, Virginia CHP information links and question answering, state political action information, online Gun Show/Event Calendar and more.

I also own, operate and administer AIG Tactical Supply and I like to give things away from time to time on the forum.

I certainly don't want to diminish anyone's involvement in this forum or any others that you may already participate in, but if you have a few extra moments to stop by and check us out, I think you'll be glad you did.

THR moderators, please squelch this post if you deem necessary. I hope I'm not crossing your spam boundaries here.


Richmond here

NRA Lifer and should have joined the VCDL long ago. I'm going to rectify that here in a moment.

I'll check out this new VA forum as well.

Fairfax here....looking to escape to somewhere with less traffic, warmer weather(dry) but with comparable gun laws like VA, maybe AZ???:cool:
Richmond here - +1 bikerdoc VCDL does a lot for us and we could always use more members.
Chesapeake here. I was a member of VCDL, but I let my membership lapse when I got no help getting my "Carrying a Loaded Weapon" charge expunged when Chesapeake was forced to take it off the books.
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