WaGuns forum New Years Day Shoot

May 1, 2019
WaGuns Forum will be hosting their annual New Years Day Shoot at the Evergreen Sportsman's Club in Olympia Wa .
It's a fun all day shooting event

Lots of good friendly people with all kinds of firearms to try out. There will free food & beverages, pot luck.
Covered Shoot, there generally is a few full auto guns you can shoot.
People usually start showing up around 9am, shooting starts at 10am.it is over at 4pm.

I take my grandson to it every year.
We just got back from the WA GUNS NEW YEARS DAY SHOOT.
We lucked out, NO RAIN HERE IN THE PACFIC NORTHWEST, The rain Capitol of the US.
They had many full autos to shoot.
Plus Sinus had two 50 cal bolt actions to shoot.

Sixty-eight people showed up for the shoot and there was a bunch of tangerine to bring in the NEW YEAR with a big bang.
There was a bunch of 5 pound containers of tangerine.

There was lots of food & beverages.

A great day with like minded people.