War Clubs of Skull Island (King Kong)

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Oct 29, 2003
Anyone know anything about the tribal weapons used by the natives on Skull Island during the recent King Kong movie? They look like really mean baseball bats with stone teeth.
YEs! That has been a topic of many a Internet forum. It seems the design was based on Rosy O'Donnals personal meat tenderizer.

She used it evey morning to beat a tri-tip roast into submission for breakfast.
I'll state up front that I've not seen the movie (now, if that doesn't disqualify me from commenting further, I dunno what would! :eek: ). But . . .

I do believe the Hawaiians once used war clubs that looked a lot like bats, studded with rows of sharks' teeth. Does that sound anything like the props in the movie?
I would wager that more prop weapons are based on existing designs than props that came 100% from someone's imagination.

You know, now that I think about it the teeth did look a fair bit like shark's teeth. Maybe I need to pull out the movie and look. I might even figure out how to take a screen shot of the movie and convert it into an image that I can post.
i havent seen the movie but many old polynesian weapons were made out of shark teeth attached to sticks to form primitive edged weapons. perhaps its loosely based on this?
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