We need new toys at gun shows

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Apr 22, 2006
Maybe it's just me:cuss:...but after 25 years, I'm bored with what I see at the gun show. I am about all AR'ed, AK'ed and SKS'ed out. I've seen the $150 Moisin-Nagants with so many rounds through the barrels that there's no more rifling left, and been shown so many "Herman Goering's Personal PPK that I can have for the gun show bargain price of $3500" (C'mon, I was born at night, but I wasn't born LAST NIGHT!) and I need something new!

Please, vendors, before I lose faith in gun shows, bring us some new and interesting toys for reasonable prices. I always come with money, there is just nothing worth spending it on!

How about something belt fed for under five hundred?:evil::D
I once heard tale of a guy that was working with the atf(ok please bear with me for a few)to make a kit to put on an AR lower that would make it a semi auto belt feed with a spare barrel. This gus was suposedly a nasa engineer of some type any way The rumor was it was suposd to be ablt to cost 750 including the barrel. I saw pictures of it one time but thats all this was 10 or so years ago. Dont know what hapened???
Last show I was at I saw a RPD, three M1941 Johnsons, a guy with a T97 collection, two nothing-but A-5s dealers, a Garand parts dealer, the gigantic table for The Clip Joint, and two of those Thompson-lookalike carbines with the combination lock above the trigger.

I also got a German quillback bayonet on the corner of a table for $50.

If your shows are boring, you're not looking hard enough.
Hey NoProblem that is the gun I was describing. execpt the pics I saw had a mag well at the 60* angle so it could take mags too.
no_problem said:
Maybe it's just me...but after 25 years, I'm bored with what I see at the gun show.

I think the promoters are having a hard time finding enough dealers and guns to fill the tables, we're seeing........buffalo Jerky, dental tools, ammo boxes, beanie babies, genuine Injun artifacts (made in China), hunting socks, knife sharpeners, antlers, homemade salsa, bumper stickers, political campaign literature, used VCR tapes, cherry pitters, and vintage tin signs. Not to mention old Winchesters that start at $3000. I think it's time to go to Tulsa.....
Rembrandt said:
I think the promoters are having a hard time finding enough dealers and guns to fill the tables, we're seeing........buffalo Jerky, dental tools, ammo boxes, beanie babies, genuine Injun artifacts (made in China), hunting socks, knife sharpeners, antlers, homemade salsa, bumper stickers, political campaign literature, used VCR tapes, cherry pitters, and vintage tin signs.



I know the promoters need to make money by selling tables, but for the love of all things, can we possibly make an effort to salvage some dignity for the gun culture? Gun shows have basically turned into flea markets for grandpas, and have pretty much become the embodiment of every stereotype thrown at us by the media and therefore absorbed by those who trust it - we're all a bunch of Aryans wandering around, eating nothing but jerky (because it's a "survival food," ooh) and adjusting the forty yards of nylon webbing strapped onto our bodies in between buying fake arrowheads and $3 knives.

It just screams "Fudd" to me. I can never decide which is more pitiful - the people selling the crap, or the people buying the crap.

I'd happily pay $20 to get into a show with a policy of no guns = no table and a requirement that at least three-quarters of a vendor's inventory be guns, magazines or ammo.

Until then? Not even gonna pay three or four bucks. Not worth it. I can go to Walmart and see and buy all the exact same stuff for cheaper and I won't have to feel like I just got conned.
I'll chime in here with the comment that ten years ago back when gun shows were gun shows, it was good ordinary folk, often with kids in strollers and backpacks. This last one it was more like Saturday at the mall with every variety of human freak in attendance. It gave me the willies to see the scum walking around fondling guns.

Two of the FFL's who ALWAYS were at the shows have stopped selling in that venue due to the "clientele" they had to serve.
This last one it was more like Saturday at the mall with every variety of human freak in attendance. It gave me the willies to see the scum walking around fondling guns.

Two of the FFL's who ALWAYS were at the shows have stopped selling in that venue due to the "clientele" they had to serve.

Whoa, there! Slow down, Travis Bickle!
"Herman Goering's Personal PPK
Goerings personal autoloader that he wore when in Dress uniform was a Silver plated Astra .32 that his Condor Legion pilots had engraved and inlaid with precious metals to commemorate their service in the Spanish Civil War.
The sidearm he turned in when he surrendered was an S&W .357 magnum revolver.
Maybe it's just me...but after 25 years, I'm bored with what I see at the gun show.

It only took me about two. The Indy 1500 was great the first time, but if you've seen it once, that's all you need. It seems to get worse every year, too. More tables full of bizarre books printed in someone's basement, airsoft crap for the ADD-stricken children of all the Fudds there, and goofy fantasy knives from China. The last time or two I've been there, I've only seen one or two things cool enough to even make me stop at a table. I don't know, maybe it will change when I actually have money to buy stuff.
In the 5 states I've lived in and gone to gun shows in, in the the last 7 years, all have been the classic type, 99.8% guns and gun accessories.And always a wide variety of ofguns, with plenty of interesting unusual stuff too.I've only seen toys (and they were airsoft, so thats kinda understandable) and jerky (never any beanie babies :barf:) at 2 of the shows, and it was 1 table.Either I just have really good luck, or the rest of you have really bad luck.Either way, I hope the shows I go to continue to be like the ones I've seen, and not like the ones the rest of you keep seeing, thats for sure.all the shows I've gone too have been WELL worth the $5 to get in.Hope it stays that way.
<< Eric F
Hey NoProblem that is the gun I was describing. execpt the pics I saw had a mag well at the 60* angle so it could take mags too.>>

Eric F:

Yep, that's it. If it could be had for under five bills. For you vendors,think of the ammo you guys would move!
It's a Win-win!
How are vendors supposed to sell new products if the companies don't make them?

What do we have to look forward to? Masada and SCAR. KelTec has the RFB coming out, it might be cool. But enjoy this time of being AR'd and AK'd out because it may one day be a thing of the past.
The Shrike is out on the market. Or at least a few of them are out there. You want one? You better be willing to pony up over $7000 for one.

It's hard for a gun show vendor to display new things when there aren't new things to be displayed. There haven't been too many revolutionary creations in the firearms market in the last few years. You want to know what the biggest revolution in the firearms industry over the last dozen years has been? The INTERNET! Now, folks order stuff online, rather than but it from a vendor at the gunshow. When a gun show vendor does have something new, they have to price it in such a way to actually make a profit on the investment. Then, the vendor gets slammed on the 'net for being overpriced, because the same thing can be bought from CDNN, Gunbroker, or some other web site, for a lot less. Well, here's a newsflash: those sites can sell for less because they plan to make money selling more for less. Us small dealers have to make do with fewer sales, therefore we have to recoup more per sale. Then we get trashed for charging a transfer fee for the gun you bought on Gunbroker.

It's not easy trying to sell guns at a gun show. You should try it sometime. Get an FFL, pay for a table, and try to sell your wares to the public. You'll quickly find out that it's not always fun ad exciting being on the other side of the table either.
My point was that I am seeing fewer of the dealers I used to do business with because by their own statements THEY don't want to be selling guns and related items to the folks they are seeing at the gunshows. Many of them are stilling selling to their old clientele or doing it online where they at least don't have to see the people buying them.

If it doesn't bother you to see the creeps or do business with them that's fine, but some of us do. It's part of that America thing. I may have to tolerate some things, but I sure don't have to like it.
Grampa Simpson said:
I used to be with it, but then they changed what "it" was. Now, what I'm with isn't it, and what's "it" seems weird and scary to me.

Here in VA, you tend to get huge civic centers booked for gun show events, and the price goes up to $12.

If they stuck with the VFW halls, the price would be $3 and we'd only see guns and ammo.
If you want more guns at gun shows, guess what? Right! BUY MORE GUNS AT GUN SHOWS!!!

I'll agree that a lot of the blame is on the dealers (I've yet to see any "vendors" at gun shows) who whine about lack of sales, but never bring anything to sell. See two gun shows ago when I made a stool sitter look the fool he was.

Complain, or do the needful and pay your bills and get what you want.:)

Do your part, buy a gun next show and anger the media and the Left. Everyone out of the wagon! It's getting heavy, help me pull!
It's not a matter of more or less guns, it's what the guns are.

I go to most of the local gun shows. You want a Glock? A 1911? A Remington 870? ARs? AKs? EVERYBODY is selling them. But if you are looking for something unusual, you're hosed.

And my tastes run to the exotic. Very exotic. About the only gun show REALLY worth going to is the Baltimore Arms Collectors Show. THAT is a good show...just bring money. Lots of money
El Tejon:
See two gun shows ago when I made a stool sitter look the fool he was.

I can't find that in my ALWD.

I haven't been to a gun show in years, I plan to go to one next month though, so we'll see how that goes.
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