Wear your vest. Its there to save your life.

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Dec 24, 2002
In CT there was just an shooting on the Q bridge on I-95 just outside of East Haven. Two officers were shot and one perpatrator was killed. Both officers are okay as of right now and I beleive are actually out of the hospital already. Both were shot in the leg and one was shot in the chest (vest). The state trooper that was shot in the chest was working traffic duty and was not wearing his vest all day. Once the robbery call came out and they were headed his way he grabbed his vest and threw it on within 30 seconds of the shoot out taking place according to the news around here. They are like seatbeslts. You have to wear them everytime all the time. You don't always get warning of when you are about to get into a gunfight. Someone who works with a family member (yeah I know friend of a friend etc) was actaully sideswiped by the fleeing badguys and she watched the shootout right in front of her car.

I don't have any details past that However I know that the State police around here carry Sig .40 last time I checked. No idea what the badguy was using.

Thankfully the cops got to go home and it sounds like the injuries aren't horrible. I have a friend on each of two of the surrounding towns police force so I will be keeping an ear out for more however so far they have confirmed everything that the news brought up so far.
I was in Law Enforcement for awhile when I got out I gave my vest to my brother who remained in the trade. He took a round to that same vest and it saved his life. Good message to all Highroad members in Law Enforcement wear your vest no matter what.:)
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