we're screwed!

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Perhaps if the Republicans had any substance, the Democrats wouldn't have won just by saying "HEY! We're not republicans!"

Hopefully by '08 they will have realized this and come up with something we can support.
Perhaps if the Republicans had any substance, the Democrats wouldn't have won just by saying "HEY! We're not republicans!"

You're right about that.

I can't be the least bit bummed that the GOP lost. I'm just sorry the Democrats won.
Better start looking for a cheap source of cosmoline.
I'm so dissappointed in my fellow americans..
Truly a victory for Bin Ladin and other terrorists. One of my first thoughts was he is probably dancing in his cave. Then I thought of our brave service men and women. They must feel that the citizens have totally abandoned them by handing power to the same party that calls them Nazis and illiterates.


Grayrider quote...............
"Truly a victory for Bin Ladin and other terrorists. One of my first thoughts was he is probably dancing in his cave. Then I thought of our brave service men and women. They must feel that the citizens have totally abandoned them by handing power to the same party that calls them Nazis and illiterates."

Truly a victory for Bin Ladin and other terrorists. One of my first thoughts was he is probably dancing in his cave. Then I thought of our brave service men and women. They must feel that the citizens have totally abandoned them by handing power to the same party that calls them Nazis and illiterates.


But don't forget that the party of poor communication, nonexistent border security but impotent harrassment for air travelers, weak postwar plans in Iraq, cronyism, and PC execution of the war led the citizens to that place.
Well, this is what people get for supporting
limp wristed appeasing Republicans.

At least the Dems don't lie to us. They
claim they want out guns, they want to
redistribute wealth, they want to abolish
the 1st Amendment. And they act accordingly.

Repubs on the other hand say one thing
and do another. Plus, they back down
at the first sign of a fight.

Oh, and they somehow believe it is
an enumerated power to nation build.

I say the Repubs got exactly what they
asked for.

Does anyone believe they will learn
anything? I seriously doubt it.
You know, listening to Bush right now it sounds to me that he's decided to let his inner liberal out. He axed Rummy and is harping about the need to expand No Dollar Left Behind. I think we just got a new Democratic President.

"Mr. President, didn't you just get through saying that a victory for the Democrats would be a victory for the terrorists?"

"Yes, yes I did. And let me be the first to welcome our new terrorist masters."
"Yes, yes I did. And let me be the first to welcome our new terrorist masters."

Sorry but that...that is just outright funny. :D

It does not bode well that Pelosi had only to snap her fingers, and Bush shuffled Rummy loose the political coil.
I believe this is in order:

The point here is that this election really wasn't about R's and D's rather, a growing population who is completely disgusted with those in power, and wanting a change no matter what the consequences.

This is very true, and within this truth there are both goods and evils.

On the upside, politicians are finally realizing that going against the will of the American public is a loosing battle. If people don't like what they see, they'll vote to change it.

The bad part is that most folks don't consider what the changes will be, only that there will be changes. They vote with hindsight. Most folks I've talked to have absolutely no idea where the candidates they voted for actually stand, just that it isn't where the incumbents are:

Perhaps if the Republicans had any substance, the Democrats wouldn't have won just by saying "HEY! We're not republicans!"
Yep, Bush has just let loose. Promising to meet with Dem. leaders and such.

I went to bed last night hoping for a narrow Republican victory- enought to send them a message, without endangering our rights. Instead, I wake up to see Katie Couric almost wetting herself with glee. Sickening. This is not good at all, and we will pay for it dearly. Just wait until Congress goes back into session.

If we had had a real conservative president with cajones, who used the options available to him, we would not have a lot of the problems we have today.

Hear that flushing sound? Its America going down the toilet. Clinton and the Dems put it in the bowl, Bush left it there, and the American people have just pulled the handle.
I agree the Dems that were elected might be more to our liking, but remember the old whore-horses are to the left of Lenin so watch out. they will chew up the fresh meat and keep them in line.

Thank God we waved the Filibuster in the Senate.
Why vote? The republicans act like Democrats the last 8 years. Bush does NOTHING about the mexican invasion, and gangs control our southern border, and, a lot of the commerce coming into the US. Mexicans have now become the majority in California, and, the largest voting block, in large part by illegal immigration.

Bush got into a war that has 3 factions that have been killing each other for 3000 years. We are not going to be able to stop that. We don't learn from Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, etc. Get in, kill the bad guy, and get out. Let them kill each other, and, if need be, go back in again, if we end up with the same mess again. You can't get in and create a democracy. The strongest in that country have to control the government, and, they will not likely be able to have a democracy until one of the groups is greatly reduced in numbers. Religious wars are like that, and, our presence only gives all three groups easy targets to shoot. It has to be fought for, and won, from within. We can get rid of someone who is focused on criminal actions against our country. Then why haven't we gone after the Mexican Mafia, the Columbians, etc.?

Bush and congress have been a failure. They have failed to fulfill their promises, and, failed to come up with an exit strategy for Iraq. Do we need one? No, just pull everyone now, and, let the groups fight it out. If they support Al Queda, bomb and strike, SAS style.

Gun control. The good news is if you look at the states allowing CCW, only around New York, and California, do you see severe restrictions. I think
I think with the majority of states allowing carry, the vast majority, this should send a message to the majority of elected officials, that gun control is not a wise idea for their political careers.
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