What are your recommendations for CZ P10C holster IWB & OWB


May 19, 2021
Mill Creek, WA
Picking up a CZ P10C next week. First pistol. Looking for IWB and OWB holster recommendations.

I understand each persons body type is different. A holster that works for you may not work for me and vice versa.

I understand the best course of action is to buy multiple holsters and see what works for me.

With that said, what holsters do ya'll recommend or do you use that would work with a CZ P10C?
What position do you use with the holster your recommending?

Thanks for your time and input,
The best course of action, IMO, is to buy a decent quality OWB holster and then pay for a good, 2-3 day defensive handgun class. You'll come away with a much better understanding of your needs. Once you've done that, consider what you've learned, how you shoot, your lifestyle, clothing preferences, body type etc. and choose based on those. I carry AIWB with a holster from this place. https://www.anrkydexholsters.com/ That said, I generally counsel against newer shooters carrying appendix.
I've been using a High Noon Stingray for several years, very happy with it. The pic is old, from when the holster was new, but it still looks OK and holds well, carried in the 4 O'Clock position.

Picking up a CZ P10C next week. First pistol. Looking for IWB and OWB holster recommendations.

I understand each persons body type is different. A holster that works for you may not work for me and vice versa.

I understand the best course of action is to buy multiple holsters and see what works for me.

The best course of action is to have worked out what works for you, and get that.
With that said, what holsters do ya'll recommend or do you use that would work with a CZ P10C?
What position do you use with the holster your recommending?

Having worked out what works for me, this here is what I would get.
