You have a Third Generation Colt made sometime between 1978 and 1993. I can't be much more specific than that. 3rd Gen Colts started in 1976 with 80,000SA the SA Suffix was a continuation of the 2nd Gen serial numbers. After 99,999SA was reached in 1978 Colt changed to a SA prefix, starting with SA01001 in 1978 up to SA99,999 in 1993. Then Colt split the S and the A with S02001A. My books only show up until S26,699A in 1999.
If it were a 1st Gen I could get specific about which year it was made, but that is the best information I have for 3rd Gens.
By the way, those grips do not fit very well. The metal of the grip frame should not be exposed like that, the grips should be completely flush with the metal. I suspect those are not the original grips. Original grips were sanded down while mounted on the grip frame, and the fit would be perfect.
Just found another source that says 1979.