what do you think of this knife handle?

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Jul 7, 2005
i tried something new on this knife handle and im not sure about it. im iffy about the way it looks(the color, not the shape) and didnt plan on doing another like it but i just showed someone else and they liked it.

so what do you think? scrap the idea or try more like it?

its madrone burl but the black isnt part of the woods figure. i had nice burly chunks of wood but after attaching and shaping them there were large areas with no tight burl...so i thought i would wipe streaks of superglue on it, dip it in acid which turns some woods darker or black, then sand it smooth. it didnt come out the way i imagined it would.
Naw, it's no good. Just send it to me, I'll scrap it for you.

Seriously, - might work better with a well-etched damascus blade; it looks "old-timey".
That is a beauty! What typw of wood did you use? How about the finish?
It looks like you charred the wood, then sanded it. I've done wood that way in the past and it gives it a nice antique look when done right. I guess doing it with chemicals does the same thing.

All told, I don't think it looks too bad. Not the greatest finish in the world, but not at all ugly.

Have you put any oil or anything on it?
I was going to say it looks kinda charred and then scraped. Like the spears I made as a kid (but better of course).

I second the "old-timey and good" votes.
thanks for the input guys. maybe its not as bad as i think it is :p i will see how it does at the show, im not really in the mood to redo the handle.

Wood is like damascus. You work it and are almost done grinding or polishing and then there's the dreaded vug or cold shut or booger and you just toss the f-ng thing. Or, you do what the clever guys do. You improvise. Carve, cheqer, file, etch. It's gone any way so go for it. I saw a 12 in. blade that was going to make a $2,000 knife when it was done turn to crap half way throught he polish. The maker just sighed and proceded to turn the pit into the eye of a dragon that he then had to carve into the steel. The $2k knife turned into a $20 user then back into a $2500 art knife.

BTW, screw the handle! Damn, son, that's one purty temper line!!!

i hate scrapping stuff so i try to improvise when i can. one of my little necks knives cooled at the tip a little too much before quenching it and the hamon ran to the edge...so i ground it into a "modified" tip. now i get people requesting that tip style. nice to have a backup option in case i mess up again :p

ive really been enjoying playing with hamons lately. a year ago maybe 1 in 10 knives had hamons....out of the last 50 knives ive made i would say 45 had hamons. next batch im going to play with getting some nice active hamons/wavy hamons. those are harder for me to do so it should be interesting...lots of cussing :banghead: :p

thanks again for the input, its nice to have a group of people to run ideas by.
What Smith said- adding some poly on top *might* be a nice touch. Regardless, pretty steel.

OOOOHHH GAWD...THAT is UGLY!!!!!!!! Why don't you send it to me. I will put it on my possibles bag so your freinds won't sneer and laugh at you. What the hell were you thinking?

Seriously...looks great. Very nice job. I hope one day to make one half as nice. Keep up the good work and keep posting.

Mr. Tettnanger
thanks guys,

i will be shipping it out to a customer in a couple days, hope he likes it.

welcome to the forum ungyo!
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