What is this Colt .25 automatic?


Aug 26, 2009
One of my sons has been gifted a very small pistol. Plastic grips that say Colt, the dancing pony on the grips and slide. Some patent numbers are on one side of the slide, on the other side is marked "Colt Automatic" and below that "Calibre 25". It has a grip safety. The barrel is about 4" and the muzzle is encircled by several short flutes milled into the barrel. On the left side of the frame are the numbers 278443. It has one magazine. It appears to function properly but we have not tried to fire it. So, who can tell us that this thing is.
With the grip safety that sounds like a Colt Vest Pocket. But 4 inches is longer than I'd expect for a Colt 25 I am aware of, maybe you're taking the whole slide as 4". Picture will tell the tale. Does it have a thumb safety, heel magazine catch? I bet it does like mine in Nickel, made in 1919 or 1920. Your serial number is newer.

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Found several old High Road posts about this pistol, looks like the Colt 19908.
Sounds like what the OP has, and what a really wonderful piece of machinery it is. I have a minty one, save for the least bit of concrete rash from a previous owner's accident. I carried mine only once, for my daughter's wedding.
Congrats to the OP; the Vest Pocket is just a treat.
ETA- For the OP, look for a detailed fieldstrip video online. The old Colts come apart differently than anything you might encounter today.