I OC either a Ruger Vaquero in 45 Colt, a S&W 66, or a Ruger Sngle Six in 22 LR/22 WMR. The only times I do so is when I am walking the property at either home or the cabin.
I carry the Single Six to pop critters while ambling about at the house, ground squirrels, gophers, skunks, raccoons, and the like are its normal fare. I do a fair bit of plinking "targets of opportunity" with it too, dirt clods are always fun as one gets to see a reaction with them most of the time.
I carry the Vaquero or S&W at the cabin in the very unlikely event of a problem bear or wolf but more importantly, it is a long ways and time for a deputy to come if a people problem should develop. And it will only be one deputy for a long time as they are few and far between. So far I have been fortunate as the dirtballs down the road have left me alone but it was a close thing when the one kid shot and killed his stepfather, we were there that night and the kid ran through the yard to hide in the swamp behind the cabin. Oh, there was a 20+ minute time difference between the kid running through our yard and the siren of the first deputy passing the cabin.
I pick these guns to open carry for one reason, belt holsters are all I have for them. Pop them on a gunfighter or duty belt and one can take them off easily when necessary. Otherwise, I carry concealed, even at the above places much of the time.