What we fear

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As for prayer in schools... (or the lack of it) has created a Godless society in this country

And yet 80% of Americans profess a belief specifically in the Christian god, and another 5% in other theistic religions. Of the remaining fifteen percent, most claim 'no religion' rather than atheism, which generally polls at less than 5%.
Religion in any form is NOT the Government's Job.
As long as schooling is government controlled and mandated it is therefore not the school's job either.
BTW If you think there is no prayer in school, Listen real close just before the final exams.

meritorious service


Thanks for your couteous reply. It is that kind of response that makes THR a good place.

Oh, yea, also, thanks for your dedication and effort in teaching the young people. I'm a combat vet; responded to the thread here on "who has been the the service?"

I would be happy to present many teachers with a modified "Combat Infantrman's Badge" in recognition of their valor in battle field of our nation's schools! Sincerely, thank you. I truly tell you I would not have what it takes to deal with the "kids" on a day in day out basis.

The topic of "Seperation of Church and State" has been written about here on THR often. You do realize that it is not in the US Constitution, is in the former Soviet Union Constitution, and was written by Thom. Jefferson to a Baptist church who were concerned about US government intervention in religious practice? Not vice -versa.
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